Before You Start to Create Plan your approach using flowcharts and storyboards Organize your tools ( text, buttons, sounds, etc.) Use multiple monitors (especially for a program like Director where changes in one window are visible in the presentation window)
Making Still Images Bitmaps ( or paint graphics) – used for photo-realistic images and detailed drawings Vector graphics – used for lines, polygons and other mathematical objects Saved as GIF,JPEG,PNG files with compression
Bitmaps Bitmap is derived from the words ‘bit’, which means the simplest element in which only two digits are used, and ‘map’, which is a two-dimensional matrix of these bits. A bitmap is a data matrix describing the individual dots of an image.
A simple information matrix describing the dots or pixels which make up the image Make it with paint or drawing program Grab it and (save it) then paste it into you application Scan or digitize an image Bitmapped images are known as paint graphics. A bitmap is made up of individual dots or picture elements known as pixels or pels. Bitmapped images can have varying bit and color depths
Bitmaps are an image format suited for creation of: Photo-realistic images. Complex drawings. Images that require fine detail.
Available binary Combinations for Describing a Color
Where do bitmaps come from. How are they made Where do bitmaps come from? How are they made? You can do the following: ■ Make a bitmap from scratch with a paint or drawing program. ■ Grab a bitmap from an active computer screen with a screen capture program, and then paste it into a paint program or your application. ■ Capture a bitmap from a photo or other artwork using a scanner to digitize the image. ■ Once made, a bitmap can be copied, altered, e-mailed, and otherwise used in many creative ways.
Bitmap Software's The industry standard for bitmap painting and editing programs are: Adobe's Photoshop and Illustrator. Macromedia's Fireworks. Corel's Painter. CorelDraw. Quark Express.
Capturing and Editing Images Capturing and storing images directly from the screen is another way to assemble images for multimedia. The PRINT SCREEN button in Windows and COMMAND-CONTROL-SHIFT-4 keystroke on the Macintosh copies the screen image to the clipboard. From there you can insert it into a paint program or other application.
Clipboard Both the Macintosh and Windows environments have an area of memory where data such as text and images is temporarily stored when you cut or copy them within an application
Advanced Image Editing Image editing programs allow you to insert and remove images from photos Enable you to alter and distort images, add and delete elements Morphing blends two images so that one seems to “melt” into the other
Scanning Images Everyday objects can be scanned and manipulated using tools such as Photoshop Traditional artwork created with pen and ink or watercolors can be created and scanned
Vector Drawing Used for lines, rectangles, geometric objects- stored mathematically CAD ( computed aided design) programs created complex and geometric renderings needed by architects and engineers Programs for 3-D animation use vector graphics for rotation,spinning and shading
How Vector Drawing Works Vector drawn object are drawn to the computer screen using a fraction of the memory space required by a bitmap. A vector is a line described by its endpoints, and sometimes direction A rectangle might be described as: RECT, 0, 0,200, 200 Starts at 0,0 and extends 200 pixels horizontally and 200 pixels downward from the corner ( a square) RECT, 0, 0,200, 200, red, blue This is the same square with a red border filled with blue
Converting Bitmaps into Vectors Most drawing programs offer several file formats for saving and converting images. Converting bitmaps to drawn object is more difficult autotracing It computes the bounds of an object and its colors and derives the polygon that most nearly describes it Freehand
3-D Drawings Scenes consist of objects that in turn contain many small elements such as blocks, cylinders, spheres, or cones Objects and elements in 3-D space carry with them properties such as shape, color, texture, shading, and location. Objects are created by modeling them using a 3-D application. To model an object that you want to place into your scene, you must start with a shape.
When you extrude a plane surface, its shape extends some distance, either perpendicular to the shape’s outline or along a defined path.
When you lathe a shape, a profile of the shape is rotated around a defined axis (you can set the direction) to create the 3-D object.
Once you have created a 3-D object, you can apply textures and colors to it to make it seem more realistic, whether rough and coarse or shiny and smooth.
Complete the modeling of your scene or an object render it for final output Rendering is when the computer finally uses intricate algorithms to apply the effects you have specified on the objects you have