UNECE Steering Group on Population and Housing Censuses UNECE-Eurostat Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses Geneva, 30 September - 3 October 2013 Agriculture: review of the 2010 census round and proposal for new CES Recommendations for the 2020 round Paolo Valente UNECE Steering Group on Population and Housing Censuses
Agriculture in the 2010 CES Rec. Included in 2010 Rec. for the first time Main objective: to facilitate the preparation of a frame of agricultural holdings, for a subsequent agricultural census Two non-core topics: Household level: Own-account agriculture production Individual level: Characteristics of all agricultural jobs during the last year Own-account agriculture production : information for all households on whether any member of the household is engaged in any form of own-account agricultural production activities. Characteristics of all agricultural jobs during the last year : information to identify persons involved in agricultural activities during a longer period, such as a year. August 29, 2018
Agriculture: Main results from UNECE survey on 2010 round (1/2) Included in census by 14 UNECE countries out of 56 (25%), including 4 EU countries (15%) Included in most countries in ex-Yugoslavia In most countries (10), household level question Only in 4 countries, individual level question (Aus, Ire, Pol, Swi) CIS Armenia 1 CIS Azerbaijan 1 EU Estonia 1 EU Poland 2 EU Austria 2 EU Ireland 2 SE Albania 1 SE Croatia 1 SE Serbia 1 SE The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 SE Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 Canada 1 Georgia 1 Switzerland 2 August 29, 2018
Agriculture: Main results from UNECE survey on 2010 round (2/2) Examples of information collected (household): Size of agriculture land managed (4 countries) Tenure (owned or rented) of agriculture land (4) Species and number of livestock held (4) August 29, 2018
Agriculture: Proposal for 2020 CES Recommendations Proposal by FAO, endorsed by UNECE Census Steering Group No major changes Added reference to “Guidelines for Linking Population and Housing Censuses with Agricultural Censuses” (FAO and UNFPA, 2012) Editorial changes August 29, 2018