Wednesday 14th September 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday 14th September 2016 Year 2 Parent Workshop Everything you ever wanted to know about Year 2 but were afraid to ask! Wednesday 14th September 2016

Year 2 Parent Workshop Mrs Blackmore BlackmoreK@ Mrs Onslow OnslowS@ Miss McDonagh McdonaghC@ Miss Alexander AlexanderJ@

Key Stage One: National Curriculum As you know your child is in Key Stage One – Years 1 and 2 Children are planned for, taught and assessed following the National Curriculum guidelines. A new curriculum was introduced in September 2014.

Key Stage One: Assessment As in Year 1, we will report to you on your child’s progress in the following terms: Working towards Age Related Expectation Working at Age Related Expectation Exceeding Age Related Expectation

Key Stage One: Assessment At the end of this school year, children have a final end of Key Stage One assessment. This consists of 2 elements: Externally produced but internally marked standard tests in Reading, Writing and Maths Teacher Assessment judgements based on evidence from children’s work and contributions across the year.

Key Skills - Maths • Compare and order numbers up to 100 and use < > =. • Read and write all numbers to 100 in digits & words. • Say 10 more/less than any number to 100. • Count in steps of 2, 3 & 5 from zero and in 10s from any number (forwards and backwards). • Recall and use multiplication & division facts for 2, 5 & 10 tables. • Recall and use +/- facts to 20 (18+2=20 20-2 = 18). • Derive and use related facts to 100 (8+2=10 80+20=100) • Recognise place value of any 2-digit number (HTO)

Key Skills - Maths • Add & subtract: o 2-digit numbers & ones o 2-digit numbers & tens o Two 2-digit numbers o Three 1-digit numbers • Recognise and use inverse (+/-) (15+5 = 20 so 20-5=15). • Calculate and write multiplication & division calculations using multiplication tables. • Recognise, find, name and write 1/3; 1/4; 2/4; 3/4. • Write and recognise equivalence of simple fractions 1/2=2/4. • Tell time to five minutes, including quarter past/to.

Key Skills - Reading Apply phonic knowledge Comment on the structure of the text Take account of punctuation Comment on plot, setting & characters in familiar & unfamiliar stories Read to decode and for meaning Read aloud with intonation and expression

Key Skills - Reading Each book will be kept for a week (books will be changed on a Friday). This will ensure the book is read several times for decoding, meaning and expression. Last year we introduced Reading Journals as a way for children to explore their books in more depth. At the moment we are looking into a way of merging the PACT Book and the Reading Journal into one book – we’ll keep you posted on this.

Key Skills - Writing Orally rehearse before writing (Talk for Writing). Produce story maps and plans for their writing. Apply phonic knowledge for spelling irregular words Apply spelling patterns or rules to spell regular words Spell accurately Common Exception Words (previously known as Tricky Words) Leave spaces between words. Use capital letters and full stops accurately. Begin to use other punctuation including question marks, exclamation marks, commas in lists and apostrophes. Correct use of adjectives to expand noun phrases and use of the correct verb tense.

Year 2 Aims Developing independence and resilience Ability to adapt to new situations Thirst for knowledge and an interest in the wider world Developing positive attitudes towards learning HAVE FUN!!!!!

How can you help at home? Play! Bedtime stories – this helps develop vocabulary and comprehension Library Cooking and Shopping Abacus Homework Tasks (set weekly on Friday) Reading school books, spellings and Maths homework - Don’t forget 30 reads and 30 Maths activity prizes!

Bits and Bobs Talk to the teacher – what is the best time? PACT books – recording reads and maths Absence from school Letters and notes Website SATs

Thank you very much for coming And Now? If you have any questions please feel free to ask one of us. Thank you very much for coming