Cracking the Concrete Ceiling: Systemic Change for the Advancement of BAME Leaders in Higher Education
Tracy Bell-Reeves deputy director, leadership development, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education Jan Fook visiting professor, Royal Holloway, University of London
Why this topic? “Cracking the Concrete Ceiling” – why this title Under-representation of BAME staff at senior levels in HE – lots of talk but little action? What has changed recently? Current profile of this issue in the public sector – good time to press home the point Personal interests/background? Core to work of LFHE, ECU and thereby, ‘NewCo’.
Creating systemic change in BME leadership 3 years funder investment: Diversifying Leadership programme Diversifying Leadership sponsor toolkit Senior Leaders in Higher Education project Cracking the concrete ceiling research E&D toolkit for governors EDI senior leaders retreat Research: How can we make not break black and minority ethnic leaders in higher education? (Gurnam and Kwhali, 2015), Why does ethnicity matter in higher education? (Morrow, 2015), The experience of BME academics in higher education: Aspirations in the face of inequality (Bhopal, 2014)
Cracking the Concrete Ceiling project overview Aims to shed light on how personal experiences intersect with contextual factors in supporting the leadership of BAME staff in HE, through follow up study of participants in the Diversifying Leadership programme and their HE environments Mixed method approach (longitudinal interviews with participants; surveys, case studies of HEI’s Researchers: Prof. Jan Fook; Dr Terri KIM (UEL); Prof. Udi Archibong (Bradford U); Amanda Aldercotte & Kevin Guyan (ECU)
A different perspective: Senior leaders in Higher Education – steps to success? Aims to provide an online resource hub to support BAME progression Focus is on conditions of success for senior BAME leaders and factors which helped enable advancement Roundtable discussions Individual interviews Researchers: Vijaya Nath (Leadership Foundation): Jan Fook (RHUL)
Main themes and issues arising from the DL programme Cultural and sub-cultural differences within the BAME group Providing a political analyses and the implications of this Maintaining a distinctive cultural identity at the same time as playing the game? The significance of providing a group for identification and support
Main themes/issues arising re the institutional environment and the BAME experience Internalisation of microaggressions Prejudicial interpretations of behaviour Difficulties in making change when you are someone of difference The role of the hidden workplace culture and access to this for BAME people? Addressing unconscious bias training?
Strategising Suite of initiatives at all levels Visibility in the environment Working with hidden cultures Seeking greater depth than unconscious bias in order to introduce transformational change Getting the unsaid said….working with power Unsettling stereotypes More complex training? Importance of networking Importance of having senior role models Importance of creating/modelling diverse environments
Questions From what you’ve seen and heard so far: - what works in your view? - what makes it successful? - what could you add? (what are you not doing?) - what would be helpful for you to help influence change? - is the greatest challenge? - where are your positive stories?