Welcome to huntarapp.com
AR Companies Welcome To Hunt AR Augmented Reality in the palm of your hand 1. Different experiences based on where you are 2. Listen to songs and watch videos 3. 3D Content On 3D Objects 4. Hunt for a logo and experience it come to life 5. Scan a shirt, album and even bottles
AR Experiences We are the pioneers of Augmented Reality! HuntAR Corp. is an AR studio in the heart of Tempe, Arizona. We specialize in crafting custom, innovative and never- before-seen experiences through smartphone app development and cutting-edge technology. We don't just make AR experiences; using our design expertise, we tailor experiences that will keep people talking about you and your product. Call: HUNTAR1 ( )
Augmented Reality experiences Our Expertise DESIGN: Design is the most important aspect of producing good content. Our expertise in design comes from our experience developing in the technology field. Even if you don’t know exactly what you want, we will brainstorm with you and come up with something that will capture your brand and consumers interest.
AR Apps what we do What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality is a term describing content that blends the real world and virtual elements. For example, Google Glass™ adds a heads-up display, or HUD, to your vision and the 1st & Ten® system displays the yellow first-down line on your TV in American football. Design We design experiences that matter to you and your product. Something with a "wow"-factor, but still useful, informative, and definitely memorable. If we can't come up with an idea that gets you excited, we'll buy you lunch!
Augmented Reality apps Innovation Pushing the limits of technology, We create new and noteworthy experiences. We're passionate about technology and evolving it. Augmented Reality is not a gimmick, it's the future. Perfection Our clients are always impressed with the way our AR experiences interact with their customers. We're constantly taking it the the next level with tons of creativity and years of experience.
Augmented Reality Marketing Design Design is the most important aspect of producing good content. Our expertise in design comes from our experience developing in the technology field. Even if you don't know exactly what you want, we will brainstorm with you and come up with something that will capture your brand and consumers interest. User Experience We create experiences that benefit both the users and the company. For example, pointing your phone at a product and getting more information about it is a simple but effective way of both helping the user and increasing interest in the product. It doesn't stop there though. The possibilities are endless. We can take the user on a journey to another world, intrigue them with an interactive experience and/or show them the newest information about you and your amazing products.
Augmented Reality Advertising Videos Hunt AR can you be used as a visual aid to provide instructional videos with step-by-step directions. User Experience When your customers are stuck on a particular step, they can use Hunt AR to scan the step and receive the correct video for that step. Less calls to support and less frustrated customers. For a demonstration, download the assembly instructions (8.5 x 11 available here) of the Galant cabinet with sliding doors, scan a page (cover through page 6) or instructions (1-54) with the Hunt AR app. A video of the instuctions will then play on the page.
Contact Us Contact Us: Contact Us: Address: Address: HuntAR Corp E Broadway Rd #212 TEMPE, AZ Phone: HUNTAR1 ( )