Other Kinds of Arrays Chapter 11
Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Understand the different kinds of data used in MATLAB Create and use both numeric and character arrays Create multidimensional arrays, and access data in those arrays Create and use cell and structure arrays
Section 11.1 Data Types The primary data type (also called a class) in MATLAB is the array or matrix Within the array, MATLAB supports a number of different secondary data types (classes) The default is a double precision floating point number
MATLAB’s arrays can store different types of data Kinds of Data Stored in MATLAB Matrices Numeric Character Logical Symbolic Objects - Symbolic Toolbox Integer Floating Point multiple signed integer types multiple unsigned integer types single precision double precision complex real
There are a variety of array types to store the data MATLAB Array Types Character Arrays Logical Arrays Numeric Arrays Symbolic Arrays Cell Arrays Structure Arrays Most of these arrays can only hold information of one data type Integer multiple signed integer types multiple unsigned integer types Floating Point single precision double precision Cell and Structure arrays can store different types of data in the same array Other types, including user defined and JAVA types
The difference between array types and data types may be confusing Consider the following analogy
There are lots of different places you could store your wealth They correspond to the array types
There are lots of different kinds of wealth you might store in a bank They correspond to the data types
Numeric Data Types Numeric data is stored in numeric arrays The default data type is double precision floating point Every time you enter a number into MATLAB, the program assumes you’ve entered a double MATLAB conforms to the IEEE standards that specify the meaning of the double data type
When you define numeric values they default to doubles Each value in a double array needs 8 bytes of memory to store
There are 6 values in the C array – therefore it requires 6 x 8 = 48 bytes of memory
Value limitations The biggest number you can store in a double can be found using the realmax function The smallest number you can store in a double can be found using the realmin function
Single Precision floating point numbers This data type is a new feature in MATLAB 7 Uses half the storage space of a double Each value requires 4 bytes = 32 bits
The grid symbol indicates a numeric array – double, single or integer It’s necessary to use the single function to change the value of 5 (which is a double by default) into a single
Value limitations Since single precision numbers are allocated only half as much storage space, they can not cover as large a range of values as double numbers The biggest number you can store in a single can be found using the realmax(‘single’) function The smallest number you can store in a double can be found using the realmin(‘single’) function
Engineers will rarely need to convert to single precision numbers, because today’s computers have plenty of storage space for most applications, and will execute most of the problems we pose in extremely short amounts of time
When would you use the short data type instead of double values? In some numerical analysis applications you may be able to improve the run time of a long problem by changing from double to single precision However, round off error becomes more of a problem.
Consider the harmonic series Shorthand for the harmonic series This series diverges -it just keeps getting bigger the more terms you add
For large numbers of steps the results are different using double and single data types
Why? When the series gets big enough the value of 1/n is so small that the computer can’t distinguish it from 0 This occurs at the value of realmin Since doubles can differentiate between smaller numbers than singles the summation is valid for more steps
Integers Integer arrays are new to MATLAB 7 Each of these types require a different amount of storage Integer arrays are new to MATLAB 7 Integers are stored in integer arrays MATLAB Integer Types 8-bit signed integer int8 8-bit unsigned integer uint8 16-bit signed integer int16 16-bit unsigned integer uint16 32-bit signed integer int32 32-bit unsigned integer uint32 64-bit signed integer int64 64-bit unsigned integer uint64 Remember that 8 bits = 1 byte
Determine the size range using You can determine the number of possible values allowed in the integer data type Each of the integer types uses a different amount of storage, and can thus save different ranges of values Determine the size range using intmax and intmin
When do we use integers Integer arrays can be used to store image information These arrays are often very large, but there are a limited number of colors used in many of these images to create the picture. Storing them as unsigned integer arrays reduces the storage requirement dramatically.
Complex numbers Default is double Twice as much storage is needed because the real and imaginary components must be stored Could also be stored as a single or integer
Character and String Data Character arrays store character information A character array is produced from a string
Each character is a separate element in the array
The fifth element of the H array is the letter y
Any string represents a character array in MATLAB Each character requires 2 bytes of storage
The ‘ab’ symbol indicates a character array Spaces are characters too
How are characters stored in MATLAB? All information in computers is stored using a series of zeros and ones ASCII – Used in small computers EBCDIC – Used in mainframes and super computers You can think of this list of 0’s and 1’s as a base two number
Comparison between base 2 and base 10 Base 2 ”binary” Base 10 ”decimal” 1 10 2 11 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 111 7 1000 8
Every character stored using ASCII or EBCDIC code has both a binary representation and a decimal equivalent When we ask MATLAB to change a character to a double, the number we get is the decimal equivalent in the ASCII coding system
MATLAB includes functions to change data types Use the double function to convert to a double precision floating point number Use char to convert a number to a character
You shouldn’t mix data types in calculations or in arrays Notice that the ans array has two characters If you attempt to create an array with both character and numeric data, the array defaults to all characters There is no character equivalent to 3, so MATLAB adds a space to the array
If you try to perform arithmetic with a combination of character and numeric data, MATLAB converts the character to its decimal equivalent Remember that a has a decimal equivalent of 97
Symbolic Data Covered in more detail in a separate chapter The symbolic toolbox uses symbolic data to perform symbolic algebraic calculations Create a symbolic variable using the sym function
Storage requirements for symbolics vary, depending on how big the expression is.
The cube symbol indicates a symbolic array Symbolic variables can be grouped into arrays, just like other data types
Logical Data Types Logical data can have only one of two values True False MATLAB uses 0 to represent false and 1 to represent true
The check mark indicates a logical array Although a logical array contains the information true and false, MATLAB represents it as 0 and 1 We don’t usually create logical arrays by entering true and false values. Usually they are the result of logical operations
Notice that x and y are numeric arrays and z is a logical array We can interpret this result to mean that x>y is false for elements 1 and 3, and true for elements 2,3 and 5 These arrays are used in logical functions, and are not usually even seen by the user.
In this example the find command used the result of the comparison x>y to determine that elements 2, 3, and 4 met the criteria
Sparse Arrays Both double precision arrays and logical arrays can be stored in either full matrices, or as sparse matrices. Sparse matrices are “sparsely populated”, meaning many or most of the values in the array are zero Identity matrices are examples of sparse matrices
Sparse matrices require less space than the corresponding numeric or logical matrices If we store sparse arrays in the full matrix format, it takes 8 bytes of storage for every data value, whether they are zeros or not The sparse matrix format only stores the non-zero values, and remembers where they are this strategy saves a lot of space
Compare the size of N and P N is a 1000x1000 identity matrix P is the same matrix, stored using the sparse strategy
Section 11.2 Multidimensional Arrays Sometimes you may want to store data in multidimensional arrays Rows Columns Pages Additional dimensions are possible
Multidimensional arrays are grouped into pages rows columns pages
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Imagine that you would like to store each of these 4 two-dimensional arrays into 1 three-dimensional array with four pages.
You must define each page separately You must define each page separately. Read the first definition statement as “all the rows, all the columns, in page 1”
Section 11.3 Creating Character Arrays We can create two dimensional character arrays only if the number of elements in each row is the same
This statement doesn’t work, because the number of characters in each line is different
The char functions “pads” the array with blanks The char functions “pads” the array with blanks. Notice that the array size is 6 rows by 7 columns Character arrays can store any of the characters defined in the ASCII coding scheme – including the symbols for numbers
Character arrays can only hold character data We can take advantage of this to create tables that look like they include both character and numeric information, but really are composed of just characters The number 1 is different from the character 1
Let’s combine an array of test scores and names 98 84 73 88 95 100 Names Holly Steven Meagan David Michael Heidi Numeric information Character information
Notice that table is a character array When we tried to store the two different data types into the same array, MATLAB interpreted the numbers as the ASCII equivalent of characters
num2str In order to store the two different data types in the same array, we’ll need to convert the numbers into the corresponding characters num2str
The num2str function converted the array of scores into the corresponding characters
Creation of file names A useful application of character arrays and the num2str function is the creation of file names There are occasions when you may want to save data into .dat or .mat files, but you don’t know ahead of time how many files will be required my_data1.dat my_data2.dat my_data3.dat Etc.
For example…. Load a file of unknown size called some_data Create a number of new files, one for each column from the input file
Input and Output Output files Data from input file Data in File1 Data in File2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 Data in File3 3 6 9 12
Load the input file Determine the number of rows and columns Create the file names Extract the data Save the data into the new files
Section 11.4 Cell Arrays The cell array can store different types of data inside the same array Each element in the array is also an array
These three arrays all store different data types
Create a cell array using curly braces
Indexing The indexing system used for cell arrays is the same as that used in other arrays. You may either use a single index, or a row and column indexing scheme. There are two approaches to retrieving information from cell arrays. Parentheses – results in a description Curly braces – results in the values
To access a particular element inside an array stored in a cell array, you must use a combination of curly braces and parentheses
Section 11.5 Structure Arrays Similar to Cell Arrays Multiple arrays of differing data types can be stored in structure arrays Instead of using content indexing each of the matrices is given a location called a field
This is still a 1x1 structure array – however it has three fields This structure array (struct) contains three fields
We can add more content to the structure, and expand its size, by adding more matrices to the fields we’ve defined.
You can access the information using… Matrix name Field name Index numbers
Just calling the matrix name returns a description of the array
You can access the actual arrays you’ve stored in the structure by using an index number to identify which set of data you’re interested in
You can use the field name to access just the data in certain fields You can use the field name to access just the data in certain fields. This example returns the arrays in the first field of each member of the structure
Combining an index number and the field name allows you to access one particular array
Finally, if you want to know the content of one particular element in a field you must specify the element index number after the field name.
Variable Editor You can use the variable editor to access the content of a structure array Double click the structure array name in the workspace window
If you double click on one of the elements of the structure in the variable editor, the editor expands to show you the contents of that element
Summary MATLAB’s primary data structure is the array MATLAB supports a number of different array types, each of which can store a particular type of data Cell and structure arrays can store more than one data type in the same array
Summary-Data Type MATLAB supports the following data types Numeric double single 8 different types of integers Character Symbolic Logical
Summary - Array Types Numeric Character Symbolic Logical Sparse Cell double single 8 different integer arrays Character Symbolic Logical Sparse Cell Structure
Summary – Multidimensional Arrays Additional dimensions can be stored in MATLAB arrays The third dimension is called a page Each page must be entered separately as a two-dimensional array