Interview Tips Chaz Palisoc
Agenda Interview Tips Effective Resume Interview Prep Types of Interviews Closing the Interview
Effective Resume Needs to be clear, concise and able to grab the interviewers attention Always be truthful Write in first person but drop the “I” “me” or “my” Leave personal traits that cannot be justified Keep it no more than 2 pages long Choose 10 to 12 point font and a standard type style Use light color, single sided and standard 8 x 11 paper Update at least once a year Work in “progress” Have a professional email address vs.
Interview Prep Understand the hiring goals Hiring Manager Candidate Attire Men Slacks White or Blue long sleeve (tie is optional) Shoe polished Belts and buckles are conservative Grooming Cologne or after shave is subtle Women Jewelry needs to be simple and not a distraction Purse is closed Do not wear heavy perfume
Interview Prep Know as much about the job as possible before you go in for the interview Be prepared to apply your skills and accomplishments to the potential new position Practice. Practice. Practice. Be on time! It is better to arrive early, than late Follow the interviewer’s lead on shaking hands, sitting, and introduction Be prepared to give the interviewer a copy of your resume when you begin the interview, even if they were previously given a copy Make eye contact, smile and remember the name of the person interviewing you Manage your time! Avoid going into great detail for every question. Typically the interviewer has 10 or more questions to ask. Make sure you have time to answer all of them Maintain good posture and relax Be prepared with questions to ask the interview at the end of the interview Use proper English during the interview. Prior to the interview, you may want to do a mock interview and record yourself in order to capture any of the following slang words and terms; “Yea, Yep, Un Huh, Ya know
Types of Interview Behavioral Interview Experiences that clearly demonstrate why you are best suited for the job Indication of future behavior Most common and recommended for AT&T Managers STAR format Situation/Task Action Result If STAR is not complete, expect follow up questions Example Questions “Tell me about a time when you had to teach someone who was not familiar with technology about how it work” “Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone to do something.”
Types of Interview Traditional Interviewer asks direct questions Fact finding questions Tricky and Double sided Example “Why should I hire you?” “What are you looking for in a job?” “What is your greatest strength?” Combination of Behavioral and Traditional Flow will be different Will go back and forth Tell me about yourself. Tell me about a time in which you had to handle a difficult change in the workplace? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Closing the Interview Ask questions at the end Describe the daily work environment? What are your expectations? What is the next step in the hiring process? Do not leave with out knowing when a decision will be made Express your interest State why you would be a good fit Say Thank You Thank the interviewer for his or her time Follow up with a thank you letter or email within 24 hours
Questions Chaz Palisoc