Social communication and interaction Hyper or hypo-reactivity to sensory input (pain, temperature, sounds or textures) Instances of sameness- small changes to the environment or routines leads to distress Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities Fixated interests with high intensity or focus to objects Behaviours such as the lining up of toys or flipping objects Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements Echolalia /palalia can be present and or idiosyncratic phrases Rigid thinking patterns such as needing to take the same route each day Adherence to routines or ritualistic patterns of behaviour Dyad of Impairments Abnormal social approach Difficulties in imaginative play Difficulties in maintaining & understanding relationships Difficulties in adjusting behaviour to various social contexts Social communication and interaction Failure to engage in normal dialogue Failure to initiate or respond to social interaction Lack of eye contact & use of gestures or facial expressions Reduced sharing of interest and emotions Seen in multiple contexts