California’s Need for Statewide Suicide Prevention Infrastructure Theresa Ly, MPH Program Manager California Mental Health Services Authority CBHDA MOQA meeting September 3rd, 2016
Current status CalMHSA implements statewide suicide prevention programs funded by county MHSA PEI Know the Signs suicide prevention campaign County & CBO technical assistance (extracting data, strategic planning, etc…) Trainings (messaging, media etc…) Gatekeeper trainings (past activity) Regional suicide prevention networks (past activity) Crisis hotline service expansion (past activity) CalMHSA & DHCS staff are designated the “Statewide Suicide Prevention Coordinators” by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center CDPH gathers suicide death & attempt data, among other types of injury data Various local non-profits and associations addressing suicide prevention among various topics 11 accredited crisis centers operating as part of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Potential activities Updating the Statewide Strategic Plan for Suicide Prevention Coordinating statewide suicide prevention coalition/advisory team Providing technical assistance to counties & CBOs Providing technical assistance & coordination to crisis centers Supporting and advising on suicide prevention legislation Compile suicide death & attempt data for public consumption Trainings & presentations Coordinating and engaging suicide prevention gatekeeper trainers Supporting integration of suicide prevention in primary care/behavioral health care integration Leveraging national suicide prevention resources for local efforts