Comprehensive Services In House Referral Orientation HCAP Head Start Comprehensive Services In House Referral Orientation
Why referrals can make a difference Why referrals can make a difference? Early Intervention does reduce need, and enhance school readiness skills for Head Start keiki (see below HS costs/need reduced @50% by 3rd Grade because of Early Interventions). Comparison group represents children eligible for HS who did not attend HS. HS group received Early Intervention through HS enrollment. HS bar graph reflects the impact of need by 3rd grade reduced by 50%. Others were affluent children who did not receive Early Intervention Supports via HS.
What’s New Developmental Area(s) of Concern- This section has been streamlined. There are 5 choices. Cognitive Motor Speech/Language Social-Emotional/Behavioral Self-Help
What’s New Consultation- The date of Consultation This will show either the Program Manager or the Teacher Mentor’s name, and their supports given prior to referral via the action plan teaching staff and PM/TM collaborated on to support child. PM/TM are the people whose consultation will be recognized on the form for referral purposes, as referenced in our O&P Manual, to ensure supports and collaboration. The date of Consultation This needs to reflect that the consultation took place prior to the referral being written and the date at the top (Date Referred). This will identify the amount of time given to suggested strategies and interventions within the Action Plan before referral was agreed upon with PM/TM.
What’s New List Strategies Implemented This section should be explicit in identifying what strategies you already used, length of time implemented, and results. The efforts and progress will be documented by teaching staff in Child Plus. Attach a copy of the Plan of Action (to Referral)
Referral Process Review Teacher and/or parent identifies a need based on action plan, screening, and or assessment information. Teacher creates a Developmental Concern Event in Child Plus A consultation is done with Program Manager or Teacher Mentor. Plan of Action is developed and documented in Child Plus. Strategies are implemented for 2 weeks (average) supported by data collection. Data can consist of observations, work samples, tracking of behaviors (frequency & duration), and teaching strategies used. Concerns persists, Program Manager issues referral form.
Referral Process Continued Teacher completes referral form prior to parent signature Teacher reviews referral form with parent(s) and identifies parent concerns writes them on referral (Be specific). Parent and Teacher sign referral form together and date. Referral is submitted to Program Manager. Program Manager submits it to Comprehensive Services Manager. Comprehensive Services Manager issues the referral to the appropriate Specialist.
Referral Process Continued Specialist contacts the teacher within 3 to 5 school days Specialist reviews data collection Specialist conducts observations and or assessments, talks with staff and parents. Special Educator and or Health Education Specialist will provide strategies, Family Wellness Specialist will conduct FBA/BSP. Teacher will implement recommendations, strategies, or BSP and will document progress in Child Plus and share data with appropriate Specialist and family. If concerns persist outside agency referrals will be made (D.O.E., Psychologist, Nutritionist etc.)
Time To PRACTICE Section 3 Provide Specific observable examples Example: Can’t understand when child speaks. Improved version: child unable to articulate “r, l, and y” sounds. Example: Child can’t remember abc’s Improved version: Child cannot identify ________ letters and ________ sounds. (list specific letters and sounds) Be as Specific as possible with facts and details
More Practice Example: Child hits when angry. Improved Version: When child is in transition he becomes angry then he hits others when they don’t respond to his requests. Example: Child doesn’t respect boundaries. Improved Version: During centers, child will walk on others when they are sitting on carpet or will take toys that he wants without asking. Be as Specific as possible with facts and details
Directions You are going to see two scenarios. Work in teams of 3 to complete the referral. You may fictionalize demographics. Complete the referral as accurately and with as much detail as possible in the following areas; observable examples, parent concerns, strategies implemented. You may add details that aren’t given in the scenario if they support the behaviors identified in the scenario. Roles- Teacher, Teacher Mentor/Program Manager, Parent
Scenario 1 Michel Milcetich is 4 years old and has been enrolled in your class. During the first day, you observe the following behaviors. During centers he plays by himself. When another child picks up a toy and tries to play with him he begins to scream and tantrum and screams “that’s mine!!!!” This occurs during centers, transitions, outdoor play, and any time play is interrupted. If he does not get his way, he strikes out at the other students or lies on the ground kicking and screaming. When you talk with the mother, she doesn’t seem overly concerned at this point because he does not do this at home very often.
Scenario 2 Michael Milcetich Jr. enrolled late into your class. You observe that he is very friendly and compliant with adults. He does not get upset very easily but seems to have a hard time with transitions and will cry. His speech and language is in forms of making beeping sounds. During circle time he is not engaged in the activities or the dialogue of the teacher and other students. When playing in centers, he always plays by himself and will only approach adults when there is a need. When other students take toys from him he does not protest and simply gets something else. During lunch you notice he tends to only eat bread items. After speaking with mother, you find that she has similar concerns