GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT PHYSIOLOGY (PHG 222) by ADEJARE, A. A GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT PHYSIOLOGY (PHG 222) by ADEJARE, A. A. Department of Physiology Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences College of Medicine University of Lagos
OUTLINE General organization/functional anatomy of the GIT Review of smooth muscle function GIT motility GIT secretions and hormones Digestion and absorption of food substances Liver and its functions Nutrition and metabolism
General organization/functional anatomy of the GIT GIT is a tube that stretches from the mouth to the anus Function: serve as a portal for nutrients and water absorption into the body. GIT: regulatory mechanisms act locally to coordinate the function of the gut
Alimentary tract
Physiologic anatomy of the wall cross section of the intestinal wall: (1) the serosa, (2) a longitudinal muscle layer, (3) a circular muscle layer, (4) the submucosa, and (5) the mucosa
Typical cross section of the gut
Review of smooth muscle function Smooth muscle fibres are: Length 200-500μm, diameter 2-10 μm connected with one another through gap junctions that allow low-resistance movement of ions from one muscle cell to the next. Seperated by loose connective tissues each muscle layer functions as a syncytium;
Types of smooth muscle Multi-unit smooth muscle: ciliary muscle, iris muscle, the piloerector muscles. Unitary or single-unit smooth muscle: contract together as a single unit. visceral smooth muscle
GIT smooth muscle There are two types of electrical waves. slow waves and Spikes Slow Waves. Responsible for rhythmical contractions not action potentials slow, undulating changes in the resting membrane potential. Their intensity varies between 5 -15mv their frequency: 3 to 12 per minute:
Slow Waves RMP: -65 to -45 mV caused by the interstitial cells of Cajal, electrical pacemakers for smooth muscle cells. Stomach & small intestine: located in the outer circular muscle layer Colon: submucosal border of the circular muscle layer The interstitial cells of Cajal undergo cyclic changes in membrane potential due to unique ion channels that periodically open and produce inward (pacemaker) currents that may generate slow wave activity. The slow waves mainly excite the appearance of intermittent spike potentials, and the spike potentials in turn actually excite the muscle contraction. The function of the BER is to coordinate peristaltic and other motor activity
Slow waves and spikes
Spike Potentials Spike Potentials. are true action potentials. They occur when the RMP becomes more positive than about -40 millivolts The higher the slow wave potential rises, the greater the frequency of the spike potentials, between 1 and 10 spikes per second. The spike potentials last longer The AP is caused by calcium and sodium ions moving thro calcium-sodium channels. K+ for repolarization These channels are much slower to open and close than are the rapid sodium channels of large nerve fibers. accounts for the long duration of the AP. causes the intestinal muscle fibers to contract
Factors that depolarize the membrane (1) stretching of the muscle, (2) stimulation by ach (3) stimulation by parasympathetic nerves and (4) stimulation by GI hormones. Important factors that hyperpolarize the membrane and make the muscle fibers less excitable—are (1) the effect of norepinephrine or epinephrine (2) stimulation of the sympathetic nerves
Tonic Contraction of Some Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle. Tonic contraction is caused by continuous repetitive spike potentials—the greater the frequency, the greater the degree of contraction. hormones continuous entry of Ca2+ into the cell
GIT MOTILITY Ingestion of food is determined by Hunger: intrinsic desire for food Appetite: desire for a particular type of food Mechanics of ingestion 1. mastication (chewing) 2. swallowing
Mastication Chewing breaks up large food particles and mixes the food with the secretions of the salivary glands. chewing process is caused by a chewing reflex, The presence of a bolus of food in the mouth first initiates reflex inhibition of the muscles of mastication: lower jaw drops. initiates a stretch reflex of the jaw muscles that leads to rebound contraction. This automatically raises the jaw to cause closure of the teeth and compresses the bolus again against the linings of the mouth, which inhibits the jaw muscles once again, allowing the jaw to drop and rebound another time
Importance Chewing is important for breaking the food. chewing aids the digestion increases surface area exposed to the digestive secretions. prevents excoriation of the GIT and increases the ease with which food is emptied from the stomach into the small intestine
Regulation Most of the muscles of chewing are innervated by the motor branch of the fifth cranial nerve, and the chewing process is controlled by nuclei in the brain stem: Stimulation of specific reticular areas in the brain stem taste centers will cause rhythmical chewing movements. stimulation of areas in the hypothalamus, amygdala the cerebral cortex
Deglutition Swallowing can be divided into a voluntary stage, which initiates the swallowing process; a pharyngeal stage, constitutes passage of food through the pharynx into the esophagus; and an esophageal stage, transports food from the pharynx to the stomach.
Voluntary Stage of Swallowing. When the food is ready for swallowing, it is “voluntarily” squeezed or rolled posteriorly into the pharynx by pressure of the tongue upward and backward against the palate
Swallowing mechanism
Pharyngeal Stage of Swallowing. As the food enters the pharynx, it stimulates epithelial swallowing receptor areas and impulses from these pass to the brain stem to initiate a series of automatic pharyngeal muscle contractions as follows: 1. The soft palate is pulled upward to close the posterior nares 2. The palatopharyngeal folds approximate each other. 3. The vocal cords are strongly approximated. These cause epiglottis to swing backward over the opening of the larynx: to prevent passage of food into the trachea.
Stages of deglutition
4. The upward movement of the larynx also enlarges the opening to the esophagus, upper esophageal sphincter relaxes. 5. The pharynx contracts, a fast peristaltic wave initiated by the nervous system of the pharynx forces the bolus of food into the upper esophagus which propels the food by peristalsis into the esophagus.
Reflex inhibition: The swallowing center specifically inhibits the respiratory center of the medulla during this time, halting respiration at any point in its cycle to allow swallowing to proceed.
Esophageal Stage of Swallowing. Esophagus functions to conduct food from the pharynx to the stomach, exhibits two types of peristaltic movements: Primary peristalsis: continuation of the peristaltic wave that begins in the pharynx 8 to 10 seconds. Secondary peristaltis: results from distention of the esophagus itself by the retained food.
Regulation The musculature of the pharyngeal wall and upper third of the esophagus is controlled by skeletal nerve impulses from the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. In the lower two thirds of the esophagus, the musculature is smooth muscle, but this portion of the esophagus is also strongly controlled by the vagus nerves acting through connections with the esophageal myenteric nervous system.
Function of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter remains tonically constricted “receptive relaxation” for easy propulsion of the swallowed food into the stomach. prevent significant reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus except under very abnormal conditions. Additional Prevention of Esophageal Reflux by Valvelike Closure of the Distal End of the Esophagus.
APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY 1. Achalasia: failure of the esophagus to relax due to increased resting LES tone and incomplete relaxation on swallowing Treatment: pneumatic dilation of the sphincter incision of the esophageal muscle (myotomy) Use of botulinum toxin to inhibit further Ach release
2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): due to LES incompetence There is reflux of acid gastric contents into the esophagus effects: heartburn, esophagitis, ulceration Treatment: omeprazole, surgery
Gastric motility Anatomical division of the stomach Anatomically, the stomach is usually divided into two major parts: (1) the body and (2) the antrum. Physiologically, it is more appropriately divided into (1) the “orad” portion: the first two thirds of the body, and (2) the “caudad” portion:the remainder of the body plus the antrum.
Physiologic anatomy
Motor Functions of the Stomach threefold: storage of large quantities of food mixing of this food with gastric secretions until it forms a semifluid mixture called chyme; and slow emptying of the chyme from the stomach into the small intestine
Storage Function of the Stomach Food is temporarily stored in the stomach ff receptive relaxation a “vagovagal reflex” from the stomach to the brain stem and then back to the stomach reduces the tone in the muscular wall of the body of the stomach (0.8 to 1.5 liters)
Mixing function of the stomach As long as food is in the stomach, weak peristaltic constrictor waves, called mixing waves, begin in the mid- to upper portions of the stomach wall and move toward the antrum about once every 15 to 20 seconds. These waves are initiated by the gut wall basic electrical rhythm, consisting of electrical “slow waves” that occur spontaneously in the stomach wall.
Stomach emptying- 3rd fxn promoted by intense peristaltic ring-like contractions in the stomach antrum 50-70 cmH2O pressure each strong peristaltic wave forces up to several milliliters of chyme into the duodenum “pyloric pump.” The pyloric sphinter regulates flow into the duodenum
Regulation of stomach emptying Gastric Factors That Promote Emptying Increased food volume in the stomach promotes increased emptying from the stomach. Increased production of gastrin from antral mucosa caused by stomach wall stretch and the presence digestive products of meat Fat> protein>CHO
Regulation (contd) Duodenal Factors 1. Enterogastric Inhibitory Reflexes: inhibit pyloric pump, increase tone of pyloric sphincter (1) directly from the duodenum to the stomach through the enteric nervous system in the gut wall, (2) through extrinsic nerves that go to the prevertebral sympathetic ganglia and then back through inhibitory sympathetic nerve fibers to the stomach, and (3) probably to a slight extent through the vagus nerves
The enterogastric inhibitory reflexes are stimulated by 1. distention of the duodenum 2. presence of irritation of the duodenal mucosa 3. acidity of the duodenal chyme (< 3.5 - 4) 4. osmolality of the chyme 5. presence of breakdown products of proteins and fats
Duodenal Factors That Inhibit Stomach Emptying 2. Hormonal feedback from the duodenum: stimulated by presence of fat cholecystokinin (CCK) from jejunum mucosa Secretin from duodenal mucosa Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) from duodenum and jejunum
APPLIED PHYSIO Vomiting: starts with salivation and the sensation of nausea Reverse peristalsis empties material from the upper part of the small intestine into the stomach. The glottis closes, preventing aspiration of vomitus into the trachea. The breath is held in mid inspiration. The muscles of the abdominal wall contract, and because the chest is held in a fixed position, the contraction increases intra-abdominal pressure. The lower esophageal sphincter and the esophagus relax, and the gastric contents are ejected.
Vomiting pathways
Intestinal motility can be divided into mixing contractions and Propulsive contractions. mixing contractions: stretching of the intestinal wall elicits localized concentric contractions. The contractions cause “segmentation” of the small intestine
Contractions in the small intestine
The maximum frequency of the segmentation contractions in the small intestine is determined by the frequency of electrical slow waves in the intestinal wall 12 contractions/minute in the duodenum/jejunum 8-9 contractions/minute in the ileum
Propulsive contractions 1. peristaltic waves from pylorus to ileocaecal valve (3-5 hours, peristaltic rush in diarrhoea/ protective): Control: Presence of meal Gastroenteric reflex Gastrin CCK increase Insulin Motilin Serotonin Secretin Glucagon decrease
On reaching the ileocecal valve, the chyme is sometimes blocked for several hours until the person eats another meal; at that time, a gastroileal reflex intensifies peristalsis in the ileum and forces the remaining chyme through the ileocecal valve into the cecum of the large intestine
Ileocecal valve
Function of ileocecal valve Prevent backflow of fecal contents from the colon into the small intestine Has a thickened part, ileocecal sphincter which slows emptying of ileal contents into the cecum Control: distension of cecum increases contraction, irritation in the cecum delays emptying from ileum
Colonic motility The principal functions of the colon are (1) absorption of water and electrolytes from the chyme to form solid feces and (2) storage of fecal matter until it can be expelled.
Colonic motility mixing movements propulsive movements (8-15hrs) There is combined contractions of the circular and longitudinal strips of muscle - haustrations. Haustrations move slowly to the anus during contraction propulsive movements (8-15hrs) Also called mass movements Results from haustral contractions 15 minutes after taking breakfast
Regulation of mass movement Gastrocolic reflex Duodenocolic reflex. Both under ANS control Irritation in the colon eg in ulcerative colitis Applied Physio Constipation: refers to a pathological decrease in bowel movements Symptoms: slight anorexia mild abdominal discomfort distention
Defecation Occurs when a mass movement forces feces into the rectum There is reflex contraction of the rectum and Relaxation of the anal sphincters Continual dribble of fecal matter through the anus is prevented by tonic constriction of (1) an internal anal sphincter of smooth muscle and (2) an external anal sphincter, composed of striated voluntary muscle that both surrounds the internal sphincter and extends distal to it.
Control The external sphincter is controlled by the pudendal nerve, which is part of the somatic nervous system and therefore is under voluntary, conscious control; subconsciously, the external sphincter is usually kept continuously constricted unless conscious signals inhibit the constriction.
Defecation Reflexes (intrinsic reflex)
This process is usually fortified by a parasympathetic defecation reflex 2 4 3 4 4 1 4
Parasympathetic defecation reflex
Distention of the stomach by food initiates contractions of the rectum and, frequently, a desire to defecate. The response is called the gastrocolic reflex. Because of the response, defecation after meals is the rule in children. In adults, habit and cultural factors play a large role in determining when defecation occurs.