CHIETA AGM 9 NOVEMBER 2017 OVERVIEW OF 2016/17 ANNUAL REPORT. Presentation 1: Kedibone Moroane, CEO (Acting) CHIETA AGM 9 NOVEMBER 2017
CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability PRESENTATION OUTLINE Presentation 1 - Overview of 2016/17 Annual Report Presentation 2 – CHIETA Strategic Plan 2015/16 to 2019/20 and Annual Performance Plan (APP) 2018/19 and 2018/19 CHIETA Budget Presentation 3- Audited Financial Statements 2016/17
CHIETA ORGANISATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CHIETA ORGANISATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS Corporate Governance: Highly effective CHIETA Governing Board that has ensured sound corporate governance and oversight of the CHIETA mandate, which is a priority in public entity Strategic Agility: Focus on scenario planning as an organization which provided structured way to think about the future and enabled alignment of skills and strategic planning. Performance Monitoring: strong oversight on performance and delivery through management and monitoring of pre-determined targets as contracted with the Minister of Higher Education & Training in CHIETA’s Strategic plan Research and Development : stakeholder driven research and skills planning framework that’s sustained credible mechanism for skills planning Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation: Stakeholder driven skills needs identification and prioritization through our Chamber processes and stakeholder forums Brand Equity: Focused of the CHIETA brand - excellent service delivery and promotion of stakeholder experiences with the CHIETA to increasing our brand value. Quality and Risk Management: Continuous improvement and management CHIETA control environment
ORGANISATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability ORGANISATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS Excellent performance against 2016/17 organisational performance targets Of the ten CHIETA strategic programs all ten baseline targets were in a green status ( achieved /exceeded) CHIETA exceeded 40 of its 58 pre-determined organizational targets Eighteen 18 out of the 58 pre-determined organisational targets were achieved Met and/or exceeded all its pre determined organisational performance targets in support of the DHET Minister’s performance agreement with the President of South Africa
CHIETA Audited Performance Information 2016/17 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CHIETA Audited Performance Information 2016/17 Performance Indicator(Learnerships, Skills Programmes, Bursaries and Internships) Target Actual Percentage variance Employed learners entered 5580 5920 106% Employed certificated 2790 3258 117% Unemployed entered 4800 6787 141 % Unemployed certificated 2385 4358 183%
CHIETA Audited Performance Information 2016/17 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CHIETA Audited Performance Information 2016/17 Performance Indicator Target Actual Percentage variance Artisans entered 1 800 1 824 101% Artisans certified 461 905 196% TVET College Partnerships 18 19 105% TVET Workplace experience entered 750 770 103%
CHIETA Audited Performance Information 2016/17 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CHIETA Audited Performance Information 2016/17 Performance Indicator Target Actual Percentage variance Support to Co-operatives, NGOs, worker initiated training and small businesses 166 246 148% Support to large, medium and small companies 564 725 128%
Audited Financial Results for 2016/17 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Audited Financial Results for 2016/17 Unqualified AGSA Audit Opinion with clean Audit outcome for 2016/17 financial year Sixteen years of unqualified audit opinions – last three years with clean audit outcomes from AGSA SDL Income increased by 6.2% in comparison with prior year Grant and Project expenses increased by 9.1% from R442.6 million in 2015-16 to R482.7 million in 2016-17 Mandatory Grant expense of R115 million represented 91% of MG levy income received 93% of Discretionary Grants were utilised on PIVOTAL programs 100% of funds available in the Discretionary reserve was committed at 31 March 2017
CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability THANK YOU
Presentation 2: CHIETA Strategic Plan 2015/16 to 2019/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2018/19 CHIETA AGM 9 November 2017
CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CONTEXT CHIETA Governing Board mandated the Governance and Strategy Committee to assist management with the approval and annual submission of the CHIETA Sector Skills Plan(SSP), Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan(APP) First draft SSP submitted 15 June 2017 and final draft 1st August 2017 as per DHET requirements First draft Strategic Plan and APP submitted to DHET on 30 August 2017 as mandated by the Governance and Strategy Committee and in line with PFMA requirements One on One engagements with DHET on 16 and 19 October 2017 Second draft to be submitted on 15 November 2017 to DHET
PROFILE OF THE SECTOR EMPLOYMENT IN THE SECTOR CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability PROFILE OF THE SECTOR EMPLOYMENT IN THE SECTOR Estimate of total employment in the Chemical Sector: 2012-2017 Source: CHIETA data system, June 2017
EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY WORKPLACE SKILLS PLANS CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY WORKPLACE SKILLS PLANS Employment in organisations that submitted WSPs compared to estimated total employment: 2011/2012-2016/2017 Year Employment in organisations that submitted WSPs Estimated total employment Employees in sector represented by WSPs 2011/2012 112 898 156 078 72% 2012/2013 128 231 156 548 82% 2013/2014 131 944 157 992 84% 2014/2015 119 533 160 309 75% 2015/2016 131 866 165 782 80% 2016/2017 137 628 169 181 81% Source: CHIETA data system, extracted June 2017
Provincial distribution of employees: 2012 - 2017 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Provincial distribution of employees: 2012 - 2017 Source: CHIETA data system, June 2017
Occupational composition of the Chemical Sector: 2012 – 2017 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Occupational composition of the Chemical Sector: 2012 – 2017 Source: CHIETA data system June 2017
STRUCTURE STRATEGIC PLAN NARRATIVE CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability STRUCTURE STRATEGIC PLAN NARRATIVE PART A Four(4) Strategic Outcome Orientated Goals PART B Thirteen(13) CHIETA Strategic Objectives with objective statement and baseline indicator Four(4) CHIETA Programmes and seventy (70) Performance Indicators Increase as a result of splitting on artisans and learnerships between CHIETA funded and Sector Tragets PART C Linkage to other plans namely support to Min HET performance outcomes, NSDS III, Nine Point SONA,SSP linkages, SIPS, National Development Plan PART D CHIETA\DHET Service Level agreement 2018\19 Materiality and Significance Framework Organisational Alignment Framework CHIETA Pivotal\Priority Occupation Matrix CHIETA Monitoring and Evaluation Policy
STRUCTURE OF ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN(APP) 2018/19 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability STRUCTURE OF ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN(APP) 2018/19 PART A Strategic overview, performance delivery environment, Organisational Environment, legislative updates, overview of the 2018\19 budget estimates and related expenditure trends PART B CHIETA Programmes and purpose description of each programme Strategic objectives consolidated baseline targets Programmes, performance Indicators with annual targets 2018\19 and medium targets to 2020\21 PART C Specific linkages to other plans ANNEXURE D Summary of vision, mission,values,strategic outcome orientated goals and programme budgets ANNEXURE E Technical Indicator descriptions per each performance indicator
FOUR STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTATED GOALS CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability FOUR STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTATED GOALS Outcome 1: Sustaining and continually improve the culture of good governance within CHIETA Goal Statement: Effective Governance framework where CHIETA disburse its mandate within an environment of accountability, transparency and sound ethical leadership Outcome 2: Accurate identification of the skills needs of the Chemical Industry and its nine economic sectors Goal Statement: Credible and stakeholder driven Skills Planning and Research Framework identifying critical and scarce skills for Industry contributing to the national and international competitiveness, sustainability and growth of the Chemical and related sectors Outcome 3: Delivering value adding skills development interventions in direct support to the scarce and critical skills needs of Industry Goal Statement: Implementation of a diverse range of workplace based skills development interventions and providing better skilled workers and employment ready learners to Industry Outcome 4: Skills Development interventions provided on correct quality standard to Industry Goal Statement: Skills Development interventions are structured and managed within a framework of quality curriculum and occupational development, accredited training providers, assessors and moderators thereby ensuring a high quality product and service to Industry and related sectors
ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR CHIETA’S STRATEGIC PROGRAMS FOR 2018/2019 FINANCIAL YEAR PROGRAM NUMBER PROGRAMME NAME BUDGET ALLOCATION 2018/19 1 Administration 68,546,123 2 Research and Skills Planning 10,239,524 3 Learning Programmes and Projects 425,161,051 4 ETQA 52,038,609 TOTAL CHIETA BUDGET 555 985 307
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” -Hellen Keller CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” -Hellen Keller
CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability THANK YOU