CSU Robot Challenge 2010 Team: Ben Gindl, Katie Mantell, Sean Throckmorton, Tim Schneider, Travis Histed Advisors: Dr. Azer Yalin, Dr. Mark Lindsay, Grant Rhoads
Electronics Layout Using identical electronics packages for both rovers Have Transceivers for use w/ COSGC beacon Done with soldering Next steps include: further writing of software building second rover base testing
Sensors 4 IR sensors 1 Ultra-sonic sensor (w/ thin plastic shield) Tilt sensors
Integration with Base 2 front/rear IR sensor mounts Ultrasonic range sensor mounted on top of vehicle Transceiver to be mounted also on top of vehicle
Software Work/Plans In Progress, Compiler installed in Lab.
2nd Base Design 4-Drive motors purchased Current Plan to machine a solid, lightweight plastic base for the overall frame structure with slip-skid steering
Testing Plans Initial Lab obstacle tests Drive tests in Volleyball pit w/ obstacles Etc.
Questions/Concerns ?