Welcome to Etiwanda Colony’s G.A.T.E. Parent Night While you wait….enjoy spending time trying to figure out some brain teasers.
Tonight’s Agenda Introductions District Vision Differentiation vs. Enrichment Enrichment Programs
District Vision Last year, a sub-committee was established at the District level to create a shared vision for the GATE program. (Group consisted of parents, teachers, and administrators) Vision will address expectations and specific activities to help school sites build upon. Vision will answer what it means to be GATE and what GATE students/families should expect from the program?
High Performing vs. G.A.T.E. Knows the answer Has good ideas Grasps the meaning Good memorizer Completes assignments Thrives on complexity and enjoys learning Is highly curious and shows strong opinions and feeling Creates and manipulates new information Questions information Prefers to communicate with people at higher academic levels
Instruction versus Enrichment Differentiated Instruction Meeting the needs of GATE students through differentiated classroom instruction. Enrichment Programs or opportunities for GATE students outside of their classroom.
Differentiated (GATE) Instruction Classroom Instruction Differentiated learning plans can be created by the classroom teacher If interested, ask to create a differentiated learning plan. Combined with the 4 Depths of Knowledge levels from routine and conceptual thinking, to strategic and extended reasoning.
Differentiated (GATE) Instruction Cont. Universal Access Flexible grouping and done weekly to target the learning needs of GATE/advanced, proficient, underperforming, and English learner students. Can be accomplished in a classroom setting or through grade level rotations. A district initiative and the perfect opportunity to deliver GATE instruction. Content (Wonders Curriculum) Various Depth and Complexity levels provided; to be used during small group instruction and with the digital components from ConnectEd Thinking Skills Development – leveled readers, literature circles, independent studies/synthesizing information learned, focusing on science and social studies, etc.
Differentiated (GATE) Instruction Cont. Content (Wonders Curriculum) Various Depth and Complexity levels provided; to be used during small group instruction and with the digital components from ConnectEd Thinking Skills Development Leveled readers Literature circles, Independent studies/synthesizing information learned Focus on science and social studies so students can extend their knowledge of topics studied
Enrichment Programs Battle of the Books Accelerated Reader STEAM Lab (Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture, and Math) School-wide STEAM day Classroom activities implemented by teacher Robotics After School Course Permission slips going home tonight Participation is optional
Enrichment Programs GATE after-school 6-week workshops Jan. and Feb. with Mrs. Kooyman March and April with Mrs. MacChesney Permission slips will be sent home in January and March Participation is optional Parent-Led Workshops Interested in sharing your specialty?? A classroom, supplies, and teacher will be made available for your session Think 1/3 lecture, 1/3 hands on, and 1/3 discussion Field Trip Highlights from last year Ideas for this year?
Thank you for coming! Answers to brain teasers: 1. 3 cats 2. It was a spare tire. 3. ONE WORD 4. The same amount of time. The number of musicians won’t change the length of the music. 5. Antiques are not designed to go without winding. 6. She was still in second place. 7. B 8. E 9. D 10. D 11. 31
Thank You for coming!