TAG School Budgets TAGAC Meeting Nov. 12, 2013
Basis for Budgets Individual school budgets are based on: Type and size of school Number of years experience of the TAG coordinator Extended Responsibility with Fringe Whether the school has an AP We first determine the “Type” of school - whether a school is Elementary, Middle, or High School before determining allocations. Then, the “Size” comes into play for Elementary Schools.
Type and Size of School Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools A schools: 400+ students B schools: 300-399 students C schools: 0-299 students Middle Schools High Schools Show handout for 2012/13 TAG Extended Responsibility and Fringe document
Extended Responsibility Based on E.R. Base Amount of $35,886 Based on number of year’s experience Elementary: A School: 4.5, 5, 5.5% B School: 3.5, 4, 4.5% C School: 2.5, 3, 3.5% Middle School: 4.5, 5, 5.5% High School: 6.5, 7, 7.5%
Elementary Schools w/o AP School budgets are based on double the highest pay with fringe for a TAG coordinator A School: Highest pay w/fringe - $2,537.00 B School: Highest pay w/ fringe - $2,075.00 C School: Highest pay w/fringe - $1,614.00 School Budgets w/o AP: A School: $5,074.00 B School: $4,150.00 C School: $3,228.00 This was based on the 2012/13 budgets.
Example A School without an AP: A School with AP: Budget Amount: $5,074.00 Year 3 coordinator pay w/fringe $2,537.00 Budget for students: $2,537.00 A School with AP: Budget Amount: $2,537.00 If school chooses to have a teacher be TAG coordinator, school has very little left from budget
Middle and High Schools Middle Schools: AP is expected to be TAG coordinator Budget: $2,537.00 High Schools: Budget: $3,459.00 If school chooses to have a teacher be TAG coordinator, school has very little left from budget
Examples: School use of TAG Budgets OMSI or Saturday Academy classes Lego Education, such as Robotics Oregon Writing Festival Partial college class reimbursement Renaissance Learning/Online resources High level reading books Enrichment class teacher arranged by school Partial payment of AP tests Teacher book studies on Differentiation Strategies, etc. Teacher as coordinator at a school with an AP