Whole Group Reading Please find your StoryTown book in your desk. This week, we’ll continue to read stories that fit our theme of facing challenges, but our stories this week will all be a new genre. So far we have read realistic fiction, nonfiction, and narrative poetry. This week, we’ll be reading some historical fiction. Let’s start out by taking a look at this week’s…
Robust Vocabulary …robust vocabulary words. There are eight new words that you will come across as you read this week. Here is our first new word…
When have you averted your eyes from something? If you averted your eyes, you looked away from something instead of directly at it. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word averted…* Would someone like to read it? Sometimes as you are working in the classroom, your attention might be averted. What might avert your attention from your work? * (question) Our next word is… When have you averted your eyes from something?
What might be some signs of a baby’s fury? Fury is extremely strong anger. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word fury…* Would someone like to read it? * (question) Our next word is… What might be some signs of a baby’s fury?
What are some jobs where people use interrogation? An interrogation is a long period of intense questioning to get information from someone. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word interrogation…* Would someone like to read it? * (question) Our next word is… What are some jobs where people use interrogation?
What action is likely to cause a parent to have a stern look? Someone who is stern is very serious and strict. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word stern…* Would someone like to read it? * (question) Our next word is… What action is likely to cause a parent to have a stern look?
Explain a situation when someone was accusing you of something. When you look at someone in an accusing way, you are showing that you think he or she has done something wrong. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word accusing…* Would someone like to read it? * (question) Our next word is… Explain a situation when someone was accusing you of something.
solemnly When you say something solemnly, you say it in a very serious way. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word solemnly…* Would someone like to read it? * (question) Our next word is… What is the difference between behaving in a rowdy way and behaving solemnly?
What is a sound that has made you cringe? cringed If you cringed, you moved or flinched slightly because of discomfort or fear. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word cringed…* Would someone like to read it? * (question) Our last word is… What is a sound that has made you cringe?
When might have you craned your neck? If you craned your neck, you stretched it to you see or hear something better. Can anyone pronounce this word? (everyone repeats the word) Here is the definition for the word craned…* Would someone like to read it? * (question) Let’s check out a short story that uses our… When might have you craned your neck?
solemnly stern accusing craned averted cringed interrogation fury …robust vocabulary words. Turn to page 110 in your book. Here you’ll see a story called “Last-Minute Scare.” Look at the illustrations on page 110. What are some things you notice? (suitcase, passport) What predictions do you have based on those illustrations? (someone is taking a trip out of the country) What else might you need when traveling out of the country? (money/traveler’s checks, plane tickets) Why do you think this story might be called “Last Minute Scare”? Talk over some predictions with your partner. (share) I am going to read this story out loud to you. Remember that one important part of reading out loud is… accusing craned averted cringed interrogation fury
Fluency Accuracy Rate Good readers read each word correctly. So far, we have learned two important things you need to do to read fluently. Can you tell me one of those things? When you read orally, you need to think about * accuracy and rate. Can someone remind us what we should remember about * accuracy? Can someone remind us what we should remember about * rate? Listen as I read aloud page 110 with accuracy and an appropriate rate. (read) Let’s see if we can answer a few questions using our robust vocabulary words. Remember that last week, we learned that there are four types of questions that we could answer about a story… Good readers read each word correctly. Rate Good readers read with appropriate speed.
question-answer relationships. There are four kinds of question-answer relationships. Right There Before you answer a question, it helps to think about what type of question is being asked. If it is a right there question or a think and search question, remember that the answer will be found in the text. If it is an author and you, there will be some clues in they story, but you also need to use what you know from your own experiences. If it is an on my own question, remember that the answer will be found only in your head. Here is my first question… . Think and Search Author and You On My Own
Why did Chris’s dad check the travel folder solemnly? What did Chris think his father was accusing him of doing? (read) Hmm…on this one, I need to use the clues in the story, but also what I know, to come up with a good answer. Can someone reread the part where his dad checks the travel folder? (This trip was important; he wanted to make sure they had everything they needed) Here is my * second question. (read) Once again, I need to use the story clues and my own knowledge to answer. Can someone read the part where Chris shows that he thinks his father is accusing him of something? (he thinks his father is accusing him of taking the tickets) Here is my * third question. (read) This is an on my own question – the answer will only come from my head. (who saw them last, where were they, etc.) Let’s finish off the story. Remember to listen to how I read with accuracy and a good rate. (read pg. 111) Let’s see if we can answer a few more questions with our robust vocabulary words… What questions about the missing tickets might Chris’s father have asked during an interrogation of the family members?
Why do you think Chris averted his gaze from his father? When Chris’s father looked stern, how do you think he felt? (read) Let’s find some clues and use what we know to answer. Can someone reread the part where Chris averted his gaze? (he felt badly because he had been a little rude to his dad; he might have been a bit embarrassed) Here is my * second question. (read) Let’s look back for some clues. Can someone reread that part of the story? (He probably felt a bit annoyed and maybe worried) Here is my * third question. (read) Use your experiences with a pet to help you answer this one. (yes – Max might be upset that they are leaving – his normal routine has been disrupted) Here is my next question… . Do you think the family’s preparations for travel put Max into a fury? Why or why not?
Why do you think Chris cringed? (read) Think about the clues the author has given us. What do we know about Max? (he loves to chew and dig) So, why might Chris have cringed? (he might have thought the Max chewed up the tickets) Here is my * last question. (read) This is a right there question. We can find the answer word for word in the text. Can someone read the sentence where the answer is found? (Chris craned his neck to see what Max had buried) Now let’s take a look at this week’s… Why did Chris crane his neck?
Focus Skill …focus skill. It is the same skill that we learned and practiced last week. Turn to page 108 in your book. Last week, we learned that good readers often compare and contrast characters, places, and events as they read. Let’s refresh our memories about what it means to compare and contrast. Would someone like to read this page for us? (read) We used the graphic organizer shown on this page to help us compare and contrast. What is this graphic organizer called again? Let’s check out the tip near the bottom of the page. (read) Let’s do some comparing and contrasting using the short story on the next page.
Would someone like to read the directions at the top of the page? How about someone to read paragraph 1? 2? In the fourth sentence, I noticed some words that signaled that the writer was contrasting two things. Can you find the words I might be talking about? (just different) Let’s look at the Venn diagram. What is one similarity between the two types of pancakes? (both round) Can you find another similarity in the story? * What is one difference according to our Venn diagram? What is the other difference? Can you find two more differences in the story? *cooked over campfire vs. made on the stove *crunchy vs. soft and fluffy (may want to have kids do pg. 14 and 18 in practice book) cooked over the campfire made on the stove same ingredients crunchy soft and fluffy