Are you an energy saver or energy waster?
When you wash, do you shower or have a bath? Shower every time 1 Sometimes shower, sometimes bath 2 Bath every time 3
When you are cold do you turn the heating up or put an extra layer on? Put extra layer on 1 Sometimes put an extra layer on 2 Turn heating up 3
At home, do you turn the lights, TV etc. off, when they aren’t needed? Always turn things off 1 Sometimes turn things off 2 Always leave things on stand-by 3
Hang clothes on the line Sometimes hang clothes on line When your clothes are washed do you dry them by hanging on a line or putting in a tumble dryer? Hang clothes on the line 1 Sometimes hang clothes on line 2 Always use tumble dryer 3
Do you have low energy light bulbs in all, some or none of the light fittings? (This might be one to check when you get home) All low energy bulbs 1 Some low energy bulbs 2 No low energy bulbs 3
How did you do? What do you need to do? What an energy saver! 0 - 5 Hmm not bad....... 6 - 10 Oh dear!!! 11 - 15