November 2017 Professor Sam Blay 03-Law of Torts November 2017 Professor Sam Blay
Students’ performance in the previous semester
Student survey feedback September 2017
The expected standard of learning was clear Response rate: 22% (28/127)
The teaching helped me learn effectively Response rate: 22% (28/127)
Substantive Comments: Negative The comments related to the Subject Guide
“Subject guide was confusing “Subject guide was confusing. Also, not clear on what the authority cases were for each topic. The teaching slightly contradicted the subject guide. Though, I found the teacher engaging.”
” The subject guide was very messy ” The subject guide was very messy. In some instances it did not advise the required reading for the week ahead. Cases are discussed in class that are not in the subject guide, and cases in the subject guide are not discussed in class. Perhaps the key to resolving the issue is making sure the subject guide reflects what the students are expected to learn.”
It was not all Bad: Positive Comments “I felt all three lecturers were terrific...” “I think the lecturers did a fantastic job. It was clear that they wanted everyone in the class to succeed and went out of their way to ensure the material was understood. I was very impressed - the most impressed I have been throughout this course so far.”
03 THE LAW OF TORTS WEEK 1 Definition, aims and objectives of the Law of Torts Intentional Torts to the Person Professor Sam Blay
THE LECTURE STRUCTURE Texts Definition, aims and scope of law of torts Intentional torts
Class Rules
TEXT BOOKS Dominic Villa Annotated Civil Liability Act Lawbook Co. (2017) Balkin and Davis The Law of Torts 5th Ed LexisNexis Luntz & Hambly, Torts - Cases and Commentary, 7th ed. LexisNexis, Stewart and Stuhmcke, Australian Principles of Torts Law Federation Press, 3rd Ed Blay, Torts in a Nutshell LBC
WHAT IS A TORT? A tort is a civil wrong That (wrong) is based a breach of a duty imposed by law
Torts and Crime
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TORT AND A CRIME A crime is a public /community wrong that gives rise to sanctions usually designated in a specified code. A tort is a civil ‘private’ wrong. An action in criminal law is usually brought by the state or the Crown. Tort actions are usually brought by the victims of the tort. The principal objective in criminal law is punishment. In torts, it is compensation
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TORT AND A CRIME Differences in Procedure: Standard of Proof Criminal law: beyond reasonable doubt Torts: on the balance of probabilities
TORT CRIME A civil action Brought by the victim Remedy: compensation Proof: balance of probabilities CRIME A criminal action Brought by the Crown Remedy: punishment Proof: beyond reasonable doubt
TORTS DISTINGUISHED FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT A breach of contract arises from breach of promise(s) made by the parties themselves. CIVIL OBLIGATIONS TORT BREACH OF CONTRACT
TORTS CONTRACT Duty to other contracting party Duty arises from parties’ promises Protects expectation of future benefits Damages often liquidated Duty owed generally Duty imposed by law Protects what is already owned or possessed Damages unliquidated
SIMILARITIES BETWEEN TORT AND CONTRACT Both tort and breach of contract give rise to civil suits In some instances, a breach of contract may also be a tort: eg an employer’s failure to provide safe working conditions
Questions What are the objectives of tort law?
THE OBJECTIVES OF TORT LAW Loss distribution/adjustment: shifting losses from victims to perpetrators Compensation: Through the award of (pecuniary) damages The object of compensation is to place the victim in the position he/she was before the tort was committed. Punishment: through exemplary or punitive damages. This is a secondary aim.
Question What interests are protected by the Law of Torts, and how are these interests protected?
INTERESTS PROTECTED IN TORT LAW Personal security Trespass Negligence Reputation Defamation Property Conversion Economic and financial interests
SOURCES OF TORT LAW Common Law: Statute: The development of torts by precedent through the courts Donoghue v Stevenson Statute: Thematic statutes: eg Motor Accidents legislation Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 General statutes: eg Civil Liability legislation The Civil Liability Act (NSW) 2002
BASIC ACTIONS IN TORT LAW Trespass Directly caused injuries Requires no proof of damage ( actionable per se) Action on the Case/Negligence Indirect injuries Requires proof of damage
LIABILITY IN TORT LAW Liability = responsibility Liability may be based on fault or it may be strict Fault liability: the failure to live up to a standard through an act or omission .
TYPES OF FAULT LIABILITY Intentional Negligence Fault
Intention in Torts Deliberate or wilful conduct ‘Constructive’ intent: where the consequences of an act are substantially certain: t Where conduct is reckless Transferred intent: where D intends to hit ‘B’ but misses and hits ‘P’
Negligence in Torts When D is careless in his/her conduct When D fails to take reasonable care to avoid a reasonably foreseeable injury to another and that party suffers damage.
STRICT LIABILITY No fault is required for strict liability
Trespass Intentional Torts Deceit Conversion Defamation Misrepresentation Deceit Intentional Torts
WHAT IS TRESPASS? Intentional act of D which directly causes an injury to the P or his /her property without lawful justification The Elements of Trespass: fault: intentional act injury* caused directly injury* to the P or to his/her property No lawful justification
*INJURY IN TRESPASS Injury = a breach of right, not necessarily actual damage Trespass requires only proof of injury not actual damage
The Elements of Trespass Intentional Act Direct Absence of lawful justification Interference with person or their property TRESPASS
INTENTIONAL TORTS TO THE PERSON Battery Assault False Imprisonment 03 Law of Torts Week 2 INTENTIONAL TORTS TO THE PERSON Battery Assault False Imprisonment
Battery : The Nature of the tort
BATTERY The intentional act of D which directly causes a physical interference with the body of P without lawful justification The distinguishing element: physical interference with P’s body
THE INTENTIONAL ACT IN BATTERY No liability without intention The intentional act = basic willful act + the consequences.
THE ACT MUST CAUSE PHYSICAL INTERFERENCE The essence of the tort is the protection of the person of P. D’s act short of physical contact is therefore not a battery The least touching of another could be battery Cole v Turner (dicta per Holt CJ) ‘The fundamental principle, plain and incontestable, is that every person’s body is inviolate’ ( per Goff LJ, Collins v Wilcock)
Croucher v Cachia [2016] NSWCA 132
Uguzcu v Macquarie Hotel Liverpool Pty Ltd [2016] NSWSC 843
White v Johnston [2015] NSWCA 18 The issues on appeal: Whether a patient's consent is invalid if the sole purpose of treatment is non-therapeutic; Whether the absence of consent forms the gist of assault and battery; and Whether the onus of proving consent lies with the patient or the practitioner.
Rixon v Star City Casino D places hand on P’s shoulder to attract his attention; no battery
Collins v Wilcock Police officer holds D’s arm with a view to restraining her when D declines to answer questions and begins to walk away; battery
SHOULD THE PHYSICAL INTERFERENCE BE HOSTILE? Hostility may establish a presumption of battery; but Hostility is not material to proving battery The issue may revolve on how one defines ‘hostility’
THE INJURY MUST BE CAUSED DIRECTLY Injury should be the immediate The Case Law: Scott v Shepherd ( Lit squib/fireworks in market place)
THE ACT MUST BE WITHOUT LAWFUL JUSTIFICATION Consent is Lawful justification Consent must be freely given by the P if P is able to understand the nature of the act Lawful justification includes the lawful act of law enforcement officers
White v Johnston [2015] NSWCA 18 The issues on appeal: Whether a patient's consent is invalid if the sole purpose of treatment is non-therapeutic; Whether the absence of consent forms the gist of assault and battery; and Whether the onus of proving consent lies with the patient or the practitioner.
TRESPASS:ASSAULT The intentional act or threat of D which directly places P in reasonable apprehension of an imminent physical interference with his or her person or of someone under his or her control It is any act — and not a mere omission to act — by which a person intentionally — or recklessly — causes another to apprehend immediate and unlawful violence:
THE ELEMENTS OF ASSAULT There must be a direct threat: State of New South Wales v McMaster [2015] NSWCA 228; 328 ALR 309, State of New South Wales v Ibbett [2005] NSWCA 445
Police v Greaves Barton v Armstrong Zanka v Vartzokas D’ act must induce apprehension in P It must be a ‘reasonable’ apprehension of imminent unlawful physical interference What is imminent depends on the circumstance Police v Greaves Barton v Armstrong Zanka v Vartzokas
Zanker v Vartzokas and the issue of imminence/immediacy The Facts: Accused gives a lift to victim and offers money for sex; victim refuses. Accused responds by accelerating car, Victim tries to open door, but accused increases acceleration Accused says to victim: I will take you to my mates house. He will really fix you up Victim jumps from car then travelling 60km/h
Zanker v Vartzokas: The Issues Was the victim’s fear of sexual assault in the future reasonable? Was the feared harm immediate enough to constitute assault?
Zanker v Vartzokas: The Reasoning Where the victim is held in place and unable to escape the immediacy element may be fulfilled. The essential factor is imminence not contemporaneity The exact moment of physical harm injury is known to the aggressor It remains an assault where victim is powerless to stop the aggressor from carrying out the threat
Mere Words and Silence In general, mere words are may not actionable Barton v Armstrong But silence as in silent telephone calls, may constitute an assault: R v Burstow; R v Ireland [1998] AC 147.
Conditional Threats In general, conditional threats are not actionable Tuberville v Savage Police v Greaves
False imprisonment
FALSE IMPRISONMENT The intentional act of D which directly causes the total restraint of P and thereby confines him/her to a delimited area without lawful justification The essential distinctive element is the total restraint
THE ELEMENTS OF THE TORT It requires all the basic elements of trespass: Intentional act Directness Absence of lawful justification Total restraint
RESTRAINT IN FALSE IMPRISONMENT The restraint must be total Bird v Jones (passage over bridge) Rudduck v Vadarlis The Balmain New Ferry Co v Robertson Total restraint implies the absence of a reasonable means of escape Zanker v Vartzokas (D refuses to allow P out of car) Restraint may be total where D subjects P to his/her authority with no option to leave Symes v Mahon (police officer arrests P by mistake)
KNOWLEDGE IN FALSE IMPRISONMENT The knowledge of the P at the moment of restraint is not essential. Merring v Graham White Aviation Commonwealth v Fernando (2012) 200 FCR 1 Goldie v Commonwealth [2004] FCA 156
03 LAW OF TORTS WEEK 3 INTENTIONAL TORTS TO PROPERTY Trespass to Land Trespass to Goods Conversion Detinue
Trespass to property: land
TRESPASS TO LAND The intentional of D which directly interferes with the plaintiff’s exclusive possession of land
Cujus esft solum ejus est usque ad coelum et inferos SCOPE OF THE TORT Land includes the actual soil/dirt, the structures/plants on it and the airspace above it Cujus esft solum ejus est usque ad coelum et inferos Bernstein of Leigh v Skyways & General Ltd Kelson v Imperial Tobacco
THE NATURE OF D’S ACT The act must constitute some physical interference which disturbs P’s exclusive possession of the land Victoria Racing Co. v Taylor Bathurst City Council v Saban
trespass to land: Title to sue
THE NATURE OF THE PLAINTIFF’S INTEREST IN THE LAND P must have exclusive possession of the land at the time of the interference exclusion of all others
THE NATURE OF EXCLUSIVE POSSESSION Exclusive possession is distinct from ownership. Ownership refers to title in the land. Exclusive possession refers to physical holding of the land The nature of possession depends on the material possessed
EXCLUSIVE POSSESSION: CO-OWNERS In general, a co-owner cannot be liable in trespass in respect of the land he/she owns; but this is debatable where the ’trespassing’ co-owner is not in possession. A co-possessor can maintain an action against a trespasser (Coles Smith v Smith and Ors)¯
THE POSITION OF TRESPASSERS AND SQUATTERS A trespasser/squatter in exclusive possession can maintain an action against any other trespasser Newington v Windeyer (1985) 3 NSWLR
THE POSITION OF LICENSEES A licensee is one who has the permission of P to enter or use land (belonging to P) A licensee is a party not in possession, and can therefore not sue in trespass A licensee for value however may be entitled to sue(E.R. Investments v Hugh)
THE TRESPASSORY ACT Preventing P’s access Waters v Maynard) The continuation of the initial trespassory act is a trespass continuing trespass Where D enters land for purposes different from that for which P gave a license, D’s conduct may constitute trespass ab initio/pro tanto
Case Law Singh v Smithenbecker: D entered land to take sheep lawfully purchased. But became trespasser once he removed P’s gate and took certain sheep without permission. Bond v Kelly: D became trespasser when he cut more timber from P’s land than permitted amount. However see: Healing (Sales) v Inglic Electrix: D went to P’s house to take some of their property, but also took P’s. Held: Barwick CJ and Menzies J -D was not liable as part of purpose was lawful. Kitto J said taking P’s stuff made them liable. Thus, there is some doubt as to the trespass pro tanto doctrine.
THE POSITION OF POLICE OFFICERS Unless authorized by law, police officers have no special right of entry into any premises without consent of P. (Halliday v Neville) A police officer charged with the duty of serving a summons must obtain the consent of the party in possession (Plenty v. Dillion )
Police Officers; The Common Law Position The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all forces of the Crown. It may be frail- its roof may shake- the wind may blow through it- the rain may enter- but the King of England cannot enter- all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement. So be it- unless he has justification by law’. ( Southam v Smout [1964] 1QB 308, 320.
03 THE LAW OF TORTS WEEK 3 Interference with Goods Action on the case for willful injury Defences Professor Sam Blay
TRESPASS TO GOODS/CHATTEL The intentional/negligent act of D which directly interferes with the plaintiff’s possession of a chattel without lawful justification The P must have actual or constructive possession at the time of interference.
DAMAGES It may not be actionable per se (Everitt v Martin)
CONVERSION The act of D in relation to another’s chattel which constitutes an unjustifiable denial of his/her title
CONVERSION: Who Can Sue? Owners Those in possession or entitled to immediate possession Bailees* Bailors* Mortgagors* and Mortgagees* Finders
ACTS OF CONVERSION Misdelivery ( Ashby v Tolhurst (1937 2KB); Sydney City Council v West) Unauthorized dispositions in any manner that interferes with P’s title constitutes conversion (Penfolds Wines v Elliott)
ACTS OF CONVERSION Taking possession Mere asportation is no conversion Fouldes v Willoughby The D’s conduct must constitute an unjustifiable denial of P’s rights to the property Howard E Perry v British Railways Board Finders of lost property Parker v British Airways The position of the auctioneer Willis v British Car Auctions Destruction of the chattel is conversion Taking possession Withholding possession
DETINUE Detinue: The wrongful refusal to tender goods upon demand by P, who is entitled to possession It requires a demand coupled with subsequent refusal (General and Finance Facilities v Cooks Cars (Romford)
DAMAGES IN CONVERSION AND DETINUE In conversion, damages usually take the form of pecuniary compensation In detinue, the court may in appropriate circumstances order the return of the chattel Damages in conversion are calculated as at the time of conversion; in detinue it is as at the time of judgment The Mediana Butler v The Egg and Pulp Marketing Board The Winkfield General and Finance Facilities v Cooks Cars (Romford)
Action on the Case for Indirect Injuries Defences to Intentional Torts 03 LAW OF TORTS WEEK 4 Action on the Case for Indirect Injuries Defences to Intentional Torts
Action on the Case for Indirect Intentional Harm: Elements D is liable in an action on the case for damages for intentional acts which are meant to cause damage to P and which in fact cause damage to P The elements of this tort: The act must be intentional It must be one calculated to cause harm/damage It must in fact cause harm/actual damage Where D intends no harm from his act but the harm caused is one that is reasonably foreseeable, D’s intention to cause the resulting harm can be imputed/implied
THE INTENTIONAL ACT The intentional may be deliberate and preconceived It may also be inferred or implied; the test for the inference is objective Wilkinson v Downton Janvier v Sweeney Nationwide News v Naidu Carrier v Bonham [2001] QCA 234
THE SCOPE OF THE RULE The rule does not cover ‘pure’ mental stress or mere fright Wainright v Home Office The act must be reasonably capable of causing mental distress to a normal* person: Bunyan v Jordan Stevenson v Basham
The Future of the Wilkinson v Downtown The High Court obiter dicta Magill v Magill Subsequent developments in Anglo-Australian law recognise these cases as early examples of recovery by reference to imputed intention to cause physical harm ; a cause of action later subsumed under the unintentional tort of negligence ( Per Gummow, Kirby and Crennan JJ) Wilkinson v Downton, decided in 1987 and Janvier v Sweeney decided in 1919, which were cases of deception causing nervous shock, would probably now be explained either on the basis of negligence or intentional infliction of personal injury ( per Gleeson CJ)
IMPACT OF THE CIVIL LIABILITY ACT Section 3B Civil liability excluded from Act (1) The provisions of this Act do not apply to or in respect of civil liability (and awards of damages in those proceedings) as follows: (a) civil liability in respect of an intentional act that is done with intent to cause injury or death or that is sexual assault or other sexual misconduct – the whole Act except Part 7 (Self-defence and recovery by criminals) in respect of civil liability in respect of an intentional act that is done with intent to cause injury or death
Defences to Intentional Torts
INTRODUCTION: The Concept of Defence Broader Concept: The content of the Statement of Defence- The response to the P’s Statement of Claim-The basis for non-liability Statement of Defence may contain: Denial Objection to a point of law Confession and avoidance:
MISTAKE An intentional conduct done under a misapprehension Mistake is thus not the same as inevitable accident Mistake is generally not a defence in tort law ( Rendell v Associated Finance Ltd, Symes v Mahon)
CONSENT In a strict sense, consent is not a defence as such because in trespass, the absence of consent is an element of the tort See: Blay; ‘Onus of Proof of Consent in an Action for Trespass to the Person’ Vol. 61 ALJ (1987) 25 Sibley v Milutinovic Aust. Torts Reps 81-013 But McHugh J in See Secretary DHCS v JWB and SMB (Marion’s Case) 1992 175 CLR 218
VALID CONSENT To be valid, consent must be informed and procured without fraud or coercion: ( R vWilliams;) To invalidate consent, fraud must relate directly to the agreement itself, and not to an incidental issue: (Papadimitropoulos v R (1957) 98 CLR 249; R v Linekar (the Times, 1994)
CONSENT IN SPORTS In contact sports, consent is not necessarily a defence to foul play (McNamara v Duncan; Hilton v Wallace) To succeed in an action for trespass in contact sports however, the P must of course prove the relevant elements of the tort. Giumelli v Johnston
Self-Defence CLA S52 1. A person carries out conduct in self-defence if and only if the person believes the conduct is necessary: (a) to defend himself or herself or another person, or (b) to prevent or terminate the unlawful deprivation of his or her liberty or the liberty of another person, or (c) to protect property from unlawful taking, destruction, damage or interference, or (d) to prevent criminal trespass to any land or premises or to remove a person committing any such criminal trespass, and the conduct is a reasonable response in the circumstances as he or she perceives them.
State of New South Wales v McMaster; State of New South Wales v Karakizos; State of New South Wales v McMaster [2015] NSWCA 228
The Issue of Reasonable Response: CLAs53 Where s52 could apply but for the fact that the conduct was not a reasonable response in the circumstances as D perceived them, a court is nevertheless not to award damages against the person in respect of the conduct unless the court is satisfied that: (a) the circumstances of the case are exceptional, and (b) in the circumstances of the case, a failure to award damages would be harsh and unjust.
Sahade v Bischoff [2015] NSWCA 418 An altercation occurred when the respondent caught the appellant breaking apart his staircase with a sledgehammer.
THE DEFENCE OF PROPERTY D may use reasonable force to defend his/her property if he/she reasonably believes that the property is under attack or threatened What is reasonable force will depend on the facts of each case, but it is debatable whether reasonable force includes ‘deadly force’ But see S52(3) CLA: S52 provisions on self defence does not protect D if D’s conduct involves the intentional or reckless infliction of death only: (a) to protect property, or (b) to prevent criminal trespass or to remove a person committing criminal trespass.
PROVOCATION Provocation is not a defence in tort law. It can only be used to avoid the award of exemplary damages: Fontin v Katapodis; Downham Ballett and Others
NECESSITY The defence is allowed where an act which is otherwise a tort is done to save life or property: urgent situations of imminent peril London Borough of Southwark Council v Williams [1971] 1 Ch 734 Re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation) [2001] Fam 147 State of Queensland v Nolan 2002 1Qd R 454 Murray v McMurchy [1949] 2 DLR 442
Urgent Situations of Imminent Peril The situation must pose a threat to life or property to warrant the act: Southwark London B. Council v Williams The defence is available in very strict circumstances R v Dudley and Stephens D’s act must be reasonably necessary and not just convenient Murray v McMurchy In re F Cope v Sharp
INSANITY Insanity is not a defence as such to an intentional tort. What is essential is whether D by reason of insanity was capable of forming the intent to commit the tort. (White v Pile; Morris v Marsden)
INFANTS Minority is not a defence as such in torts. What is essential is whether the D understood the nature of his/her conduct (Smith v Leurs; Hart v AG of Tasmania)
DISCIPLINE PARENTS A parent may use reasonable and moderate force to discipline a child. What is reasonable will depend on the age, mentality, and physique of the child and on the means and instrument used. (R v Terry)
ILLEGALITY:Ex turpi causa non oritur actio Persons who join in committing an illegal act have no legal rights inter se in relation to torts arising directly from that act. Gollan v Nugent (1988) 166 CLR 18