MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION Before We Begin: Respond to the following in your journal: What does plagiarism mean? Why (or why not) do you think it is wrong? 5 minutes
MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION Remember: We cite in-text as well as in the Works Cited in order to show that: We are giving credit to someone else for their work, We understand the writing of an author as well as our ability to synthesize the ideas of one person with our own. In-Text Citation This is where you make specific reference to the work from which you are taking a direct quote as well as the page number. i.e. The boys were “terribly mischievous” said mother (Smith 1). SMITH is the last name of the author and this quote was found on page 1. If I quote from Smith again in the same paragraph without quoting from another author, then I only include the page number. i.e. He said, “I know they were bad, but boys will be boys” (2).
MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION In-Text Citation & Source Integration It is important to note that you do not drop quotes (DQ) into the middle of your paragraph without properly introducing them. i.e. “I think those boys should be sent to the country” (Smith 2). ☹ Abe said that he thought “those boys should be sent to the country” (Smith 2). ☺ Notice that: There is an introductory phrase that helps to incorporate the quoted material into the sentence, and The introductory phrase and quoted material are written in a grammatically correct format.
MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION Now, update your copy of Essay #3 (The Book Review) so that it reflects these rules for in-text citation as well as source integration. Find 2-3 quotes that are especially powerful that will help make your point. Integrate them into your essay using appropriate citation and documentation techniques. 20 minutes
MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION The Works Cited The purpose of the works cited is to provide a complete list of those primary, secondary, and tertiary sources used in a text-based writing assignment. For our purposes, we will be focusing solely on primary sources. The information provided will often be slightly different from type of source to the next, i.e. a website will look different when compared to a regular novel. Now, let’s look at some examples!
MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION Helvie 5 Works Cited Small, David. Stitches: A Memoir. New York: Norton, 2009. Print. McKeen, Scott. “A Man’s Guide to Slimming Couture.” The Contemporary Reader. Ed. Gary Goshgarian. New York: Pearson, 2008. Print
MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION Helvie 5 Works Cited Small, David. Stitches: A Memoir. New York: Norton, 2009. Print. McKeen, Scott. “A Man’s Guide to Slimming Couture.” The Contemporary Reader. Ed. Gary Goshgarian. New York: Pearson, 2008. Print 12 point, Times NR, and double-spaced I still include a pg. # here ➔ Title is centered w/o any special formatting ➔ STANDARD NOVEL: Last, First. Book Title. City: Publisher, Date. Print. *** STANDARD ARTICLE FROM AN ANTHOLOGY: Last, First. “Article Title.” Anthology Title. Editor. City: Publisher, Date. Print. *** BUT FEAR NOT! There are websites like EasyBib that can create the works cited for you as long as you have this information on hand! *** If book is a digital / audio copy, list the source, i.e. Kindle, instead of Print. ➔ Paragraph Format = Hanging Indentation
MLA CITATION & DOCUMENTATION Time to Practice! Go to Create a works cited for the following entries: Your IRP comic book/s (your textbook) The Grammar Girl article (you’ll find it on the homework website) (2014 Passage on the homework website) 20 minutes