CLEANUP H: HOME DRIVE Please do not store personal files on your home drive (H drive). Please use your C drive to store these files, they will therefore be available for your use but will not take up premium space on the servers or on the backup. The Langley Academy | ICT
CLEANUP H: HOME DRIVE Why is it important to clean up disk space? Press Windows logo on the keyboard H: HOME DRIVE Why is it important to clean up disk space? Disk Cleanup refers to the cleaning of the (H:) by removing unnecessary and unproductive files. Unnecessary files, here, implies removal of obsolete files, temporary files, corrupted files, private videos and photos, which no longer are needed. Carrying out disk clean up is important since it helps in keeping network environment spic and span. Deleting unwanted files on a regular basis helps a lot in this regard. Type… this pc Click on ‘This PC’ Open ‘\\FP-2\STAFF$) (H:)’ Remove unnecessary and unproductive files The Langley Academy | ICT
CLEANUP MAILBOX Cleanup Tools - Archive Press Windows logo on the keyboard MAILBOX If you have emails that are older and infrequently referred to but still need to be kept then please archive them. They will still be available via your outlook but will be saved onto your (H drive) and not the email server. This will speed up your email experience. Type… outlook Click on ‘Outlook 2016’ Cleanup Tools - Archive Menu ‘File’ Click on the ‘Inbox’ to select it Archive items older than: ‘Day day/month/year’ Archive file: Press ‘Browse…‘ button Click on the (\\FP-2\Staff$) (H:) to select it and then press the ‘OK’ And then press the ‘OK’ The Langley Academy | ICT
CLEANUP MAILBOX Cleanup Tools - Mailbox Cleanup Press Windows logo on the keyboard MAILBOX Cleanup Tools - Mailbox Cleanup Example 1 - Find items older than 850 days Press ‘Find…‘ button Sort messages by ‘FROM’ Click on the message(s) to select it and then press the ‘Delete’ button Type… outlook Click on ‘Outlook 2016’ Cleanup Tools - Mailbox Cleanup Menu ‘File’ Example 2 - Find items larger than 9999 kilobytes Press ‘Find…‘ button Sort messages by ‘SIZE’ Click on the message(s) to select it and then press the ‘Delete’ button The Langley Academy | ICT
CLEANUP MAILBOX Cleanup Tools - Empty Deleted Items Folder Press Windows logo on the keyboard MAILBOX Cleanup Tools - Empty Deleted Items Folder Everything in the ‘Deleted Items’ folder will be permanently deleted. Yes / No ? Type… outlook Click on ‘Outlook 2016’ Menu ‘File’ The Langley Academy | ICT