presenter:Huiran Yan Horoscope
tolerant focus on life smart righteous Taurus Aries 4.21-5.21 Gemini 5.22-6.21 Aries 3.21-4.20 Taurus 4.21-5.21 Cancer 6.22-7.22 tolerant focus on life smart righteous
energetic go their own way, let others talk indecisive mysterious Leo Virgo 8.23-9.23 Leo 7.23-8.22 Libra 9.23-10.22 Scorpio 10.23-11.21 energetic go their own way, let others talk indecisive mysterious
optimistic cool no zuo no die virtuous Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius 1.21-2.19 Capricorn 12.21-1.20 Sagittarius 11.22-12.20 Pisces 2.20-3.20 optimistic cool no zuo no die virtuous
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People want others to see them as they see themselves to attain a feeling that their selves and the world are as expected. ——Self-verification theory (Swann, 1983)
Content Background information Theorist Origin Theoretical model Model Core elements Evaluation Light side Dark side Application Connect theory Umbrella paradigm
Background Information Theorist A Professor of Social and Personality Psychology at the University of Texas Achievements: Self-verification theory, Identity negotiation theory, Identity fusion theory Origin “Looking glass self” (Cooley, 1902) Symbolic interaction theory (Mead, 1934) Self-consistency theory (Lecky, 1945) Assumption: self-views—sense of coherence—predict & control (Swann, 1983) Bill Swann
Theoretical Model Figure 1. Self- verification processes (自我概念) (营造自我验证的社会环境) (对现实信息主观的歪曲) Definition: People are motivated to maximize the extent to which their experiences confirm and reinforce their self-views. 1.选择交往伙伴和环境 2.有意显示身份线索 3.采取能引发自我验证反馈的交往策略 1.选择性注意 2.选择性编码与提取 3.选择性解释 Self-views Me Social feedback =
? why? Self- verification processes? Increase certainty Make prediction Core elements: prediction desire control ? why? Self- verification processes? Maintain a sense Guide behaviors
Evaluation Light side Direct benefits: psychological coherence, reduced anxiety (has premise) Indirect benefits: harmony of social interactions, relationship quality, trust Dark side Direct drawbacks: lower self-esteem, depression Indirect drawbacks: relationship work environment
Application Social psychology Psychotherapy Consumers’ brand choice Educational psychology “Individual with low achievement in one academic domain reduce their self-concept in another. ” (Hay, 1999)
Self verification theory (consistency) Connect theories self assessment theory (accuracy of self-knowledge) Premise: seek for real self-concept, Then supplements. Self verification theory (consistency) Positive self-views, seek for positive feedbacks self enhancement theory (✓ Positivity ✘ negativity) negative self-views, Totally different conclusions
Observation and experiments Umbrella paradigm Positivist Paradigm Purpose: prove a hypothesis (Mack, 2010) Definition: genuine knowledge ∵ Self-verification theory was started with a hypothesis and proved by different experiments from diverse researchers in various years, ∴ Self-verification theory ∈Positivist Paradigm Observation and experiments (Cohen, Manion, and Morrison, 2007)
References Hay, I., Ashman, A., Van, K. C., & Stewart, A. (1999). Identification of self-verification in the formation of children's academic self-concept. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(2), 225–229. North, R.J. & Swann, W. J. (2009). Self-verification 360°: Illuminating the light and dark sides. Self and Identity, 1(8), 131–146. doi: 10.1080/15298860802501516 Rosen, L. H., Principe, C. P., & Langlois, J. H. (2013). Feedback seeking in early adolescence: Self-enhancement or self-verification?. Journal of Early Adolescence, 33(3), 363–377. Sedikides, C. (1999). Assessment, enhancement, and verification determinants of the self-evaluation process. In R. F. Baumeister, R. F. Baumeister (Eds.) , The self in social psychology (pp. 402–425). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press. Swann, W. J., & Buhrmester, M. D. (2012). Self-verification: The search for coherence. In M. R. Leary, J. P. Tangney, M. R. Leary, J. P. Tangney (Eds.) , Handbook of self and identity (2nd ed.) (pp. 405–424). New York, NY, US: Guilford Press. Swann, W. J. (2012). Self-verification theory. In P. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, E. T. Higgins, P. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, E. T. Higgins (Eds.) , Handbook of theories of social psychology (5)2, (pp. 23–42). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. doi:10.4135/9781446249222.n27