CMS Computing in France


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Presentation transcript:

CMS Computing in France C. Charlot/LLR CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot

CMS French labs and community IN2P3&CNRS IPHC (Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg) IPNL (Université Claude Bernard, Lyon) LLR (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) CEA DAPNIA (Saclay) Total of 55 physicists (M&O, IN2P3+CEA) Physics current main implications/interest Higgs PAG (co-coordination), Top PAG, SUSYBSM PAG, .. Egamma POG, PFlow/TauId POG, .. ~67 active accounts at CC-IN2P3, ~10% of farm usage grid+local accounts Increasing activity each year, a good sign  CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot

LCG-France organisation Scient. Coord.: F. Malek, tech. coord.: F. Hernandez Management board (CC), Steering comitee (Y. Sirois) Resource plan revised each year Founding resources for french LCG sites and CMS in particular T1 CC-IN2P3 T2 CC-IN2P3 AF Other T2s and T3s outside CC-IN2P3 from 2009 onward Resource share ALICE: 15%, ATLAS: 45%, CMS: 25%, LHCb:15%  CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot

CMS T1/T2 resource planning Pledged MoU apr’07 (under revision), CMS share Unités: kSI2K, TB, TB 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 CPU 445 1105 1890 3795 7795 Disk 200 570 985 1570 3155 MSS 290 865 2020 3295 6460 T1 CC-IN2P3 T2 CC-IN2P3 AF 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 CPU 155 335 860 1420 2735 Disk 30 125 185 305 555 Fully deployed by CSA07 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 CPU 150 410 735 1080 1750 Disk 25 115 240 320 465 T2 GRIF* * CMS share is 25% CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot

Computing CMS-France Who is who? Regular meetings at CC-IN2P3 CC-IN2P3 T1 et AF (CMS part) CC (scient. coord.), N. Pukhaeva (techn. coord. T1), T. Kurca (tech. coord. T2) F. Fassi joining in 2008 T2 GRIF (CMS part) P. Busson (scient. coord.), I. Semeniouk (tech. coord.) T3 IPHC D. Bloch (scient. coord.), Y. Patois (tech. coord.) T3 IPNL S. Perries (scient. coord.), D. Pugnère (tech. coord.) Regular meetings at CC-IN2P3 With CC staff Twiki pages:  CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot

CMS MC production Q3-Q4/2007 FNAL CC-IN2P3 PIC  CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot

PhEDEx transfers T0-T1 CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot

Concerns/questions Release deployment Disk cleanup Sam test Some delay for installation Disk cleanup manual removal of unmerged files is innefficient Sam test Criteria for site removal T1-T2 full connection matrix Heavy load on storage system, difficulty to debug all sites at the same time T1-T1 links and T1-associated T2s enables all possible routing Contact/communication More information needed on what’s ongoing from centralized production xrootd SE Would be interested to test xrootd SE for analysis CMS-CCIN2P3 meeting 30/11/2007 C. Charlot