4.3/4: Winning the War
What’s in the D of I? Parts of D of I What it says I. Preamble Introduction = point of document II. Rights of All Natural rights (life, liberty, etc.) – consent of governed III. Grievances Unfair actions of king IV. Colonial Attempts Colonists actions to stay loyal V. Statement of Freedom 13 colonies free and independent
Patriots vs. Loyalists: Choose a side Independence a must Remain faithful to British Propaganda to recruit (Paine’s Common Sense) Stayed quiet in public Publicly humiliated and vandalized opposition Targeted by patriots (e.g. “tar and feathering,” hangings in effigy Intolerant of opposition Some fled to Canada or England
American Revolution: Who has the advantage? Washington’s Continental Army Cornwallis’ British Army Poorly equipped, trained Lots of equipment, trained soldiers Underrated, competent general(s) Over-confident general(s) New fighting techniques (guerilla) Traditional fighting techniques Help from French ($ and navy) No foreign help motivation (rights, independence, liberty) Deny independence Home turf Far away-response time obstacle VS
Important Events/Battles Valley Forge unequipped troops suffer through harsh winter - 2,000 of 10,000 soldiers die A PERSONAL VOICE GEORGE WASHINGTON “ To see men without Clothes to cover their nakedness, with-out Blankets to lay on, without Shoes, by which their Marches might be traced by the blood of their feet, and almost as often without Provision . . . is a mark of patience and obedience which in my opinion can scarcely be paralleled.” quoted in Ordeal at Valley Forge Battle of Saratoga (turning point) Americans victory - Americans have a chance French send aid Battle of Yorktown British surrender
America Wins the War! Treaty of Paris ended American Revolution named USA a new nation ALL British troops pulled borders of USA (British north / Spanish south)