The Spanish American War 1898
President McKinley, What will you do? Read your background information. Cabinet officers and advisors, hold a meeting with the POTUS. Advise him as to your view on the situation. When the president has taken into consideration all perspectives; he must make a decision. Bring your Action sheet to me! Discuss the consequences of your actions and make a new decision.
The Spanish American War, 1898 Directions: Use the resources linked below to complete the graphic organizer on the next slide. Use your own paper and write a brief summary for the causes. You simply need to fill in the blanks for the effects of the Spanish American War. 1. What factors contributed to the outbreak of the Spanish American War? PBS Video 2. What were the major events/personalities involved in the Spanish American War? 3. What were the results of the Spanish American War? Library of Congress
Who Sunk the USS Maine? Remember the Maine
People Commodore Dewey Emilio Aguinaldo William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Major Events/People of the War Examine any of the following events or people of interest. USS Maine Yellow Journalism Cuba’s Struggle for Independene Battle of Manila Bay Battle of San Juan Hill Buffalo Soldiers Rough Riders
Effects of a “Splendid Little War” Lasted only a few months Spain surrendered to the United States Treaty of Paris Cuba gains independence Must add Platt Amendment to constitution We paid Spain 20 million We get Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines FYI Philippines begin a revolt against new colonial power- The United States- ends in 1901
What is the Legacy of the Spanish American War?