Images required for RAF as general practise Background image – 750 x 500 pixels Email Banner image – 750 x 200 pixels Facebook image – 470 x 265 pixels Mobile image – 280 x 100 pixels Sidebar – Any size. General standard : 50 x 240 pixels Landing Page image – 1050 x 530 pixels Twitter image – Above 125 x 125 pixels Resolution : 72 ppi
Artwork Elements Images Ad Copy One common image for - Background image, landing page image, Mobile image and email banner. For Twitter - only a small logo of the company is used - due to very small image area. This enables seamless identity across all platforms we use and shows the connectivity when users view it in their email as well. Images that we work on should be bigger than 750 x 500 pixels. If the team is unable to provide any images, we take images from their social media pages. They will provide us with links for the same. Ad Copy This will mandatorily be provided by the customer success team. The offer/ ad copy will have to be there in – background image, mobile image and landing page image. No Offer to be used in Facebook image and Email banner image (unless stated otherwise).
Sidebars We don’t have a set dimension, can be something innovative that matches the brand perfectly. The placements available for side bar – left and right. If copy is not provided for sidebar, we shorten the offer to a catch line for the sidebar. Example: Give 10% & Get 10% or Refer & Get $30 Logos Logo has to be placed on the email banner image (always on the right half of the image). Logo has to be placed on the Facebook image – Left top corner or right top corner. If using logos on other images (incase requested by the merchant) best placement would be on top left corner or bottom right corner for background image and landing page image. Mobile image will not have space for it.
Old Campaign - for reference only Background image – 750 x 500 pixels
Prerequisites for images used in Background At least 2 good images are required per campaign. Please do ensure that the images provided are bigger than 750 x 500 pixels, good clarity and have more breathing space. Left 1/3 is the image area available to display the main contents of given image (like jewellery in this case) Right 2/3rd of the image gets covered by the widget on the right side along with the offer above Background image – 750 x 500 pixels
Old Campaign - for reference only
Old Campaign - for reference only Email Banner image – 750 x 200 pixels
Old Campaign - for reference only Facebook image – 470 x 265 pixels
Old Campaign - for reference only Landing Page Image – 1050 x 530 pixels
Old Campaign - for reference only Mobile image – 280 x 100 pixels Right Sidebar – 41 x 209 pixels
Artwork Elements required from Client Team Campaign X Images Background image landing page image Mobile image email banner } { If more than one image is to be used - please specify One common image for seamless integration across all mediums } 2. One image for Facebook } 3. Logo to be used for Facebook, email banner, Twitter Total 2 images & 1 logo - that are approved for campaign X
Background image copy - Copy commonly used in Campaign will be as mentioned by Customer Success Team The campaign X Background image copy - Refer friends and Get $X off on your next purchase. Your friends will get $X off too! Sidebar copy - Give $X Get $X This is generic copy that we use most commonly in all the client campaigns. You can remove slide if you want othewise.
Will also require the below elements - Fonts to be used - Names, color and sizes. Logo - If any specific ones to be used from the ones that are provided. Any specific brand guidelines to be followed should be mentioned.
Lets Discuss :)