Use of guidance and feedback


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Presentation transcript: Use of guidance and feedback Learning objectives To be able to describe types of guidance. To understand the suitability for different types of guidance with different athletes. To explain the different types of feedback and the purpose of each.

Types of guidance When learning any new skills different forms of guidance are required. Coaches and teachers normally give this support. Methods of teaching/guidance include: Visual Verbal Manual Mechanical Think. Pair. Share - What do you think is meant by each of the types of guidance above?

Types of guidance Visual guidance: This is often used when a performer is just starting out in the learning process. Learners can see the whole action and interpret it for themselves. Forms of visual guidance includes: Demonstration Playback of a video clip Observe technique from images or stills.

Types of guidance Advantages and disadvantage of visual guidance: Disadvantages Provides learner with a mental image of the skill. Draws attention to key points (gives cues) Better for less complex skills where less information needs to be given. Can demotivate learner if it's a highly complex skill as they won’t be able to do it. Can overload beginners with information. Needs to be accurate and clear otherwise skill can be learnt incorrectly. Clipart: © 2012

Types of guidance Verbal guidance: Terminology and phrases associated to certain skills can be made simple and straightforward in a clear verbal explanation. Difficulty with verbal guidance: Players must understand the basic terminology used Remember the instructions Interpret the words into actions

Types of guidance Advantages and disadvantage of verbal guidance: Disadvantages Tactics can be explained. Gives technical info/ key points and highlights cues. Feedback can be given and immediately. Players must understand the basic terminology used. Overload beginners with information. Learners may lose concentration easily. Clipart: © 2012

Types of guidance Manual guidance: This method is used when the skills learnt are dangerous or are complex. Coaches or teachers will uses a ‘hands on’ approach to ensure safety. i.e. Gymnastics coach supporting back walkover. Think. Pair. Share - Can you think of other manual guidance uses? What other sport may a coach use this method?

Types of guidance Advantages and disadvantage of Manual guidance: Disadvantages Builds confidence. Eliminates danger. Gives early feel for whole skill. Learner becomes dependent on support and interferes with kinaesthestic awareness. Proximity of coach may be upsetting Clipart: © 2012

Types of guidance Mechanical guidance: Mechanical guidance involves the use of equipment to help support the learner whilst practicing the skill. i.e. The use of floats in swimming help learners to develop leg kicking action in the water.

Types of guidance Advantages and disadvantage of mechanical guidance: Disadvantages Promotes confidence and ensures safety for the learner particularly where there is an element of danger in the skill. i.e. rock climbing. Learner can become dependent on this form of guidance. The feel of the movement with the guidance is different to the actual movement. The learner does not get an opportunity to correct mistakes in the technique. Clipart: © 2012

Types of feedback Feedback is a vital part of information processing, which can help to provide confidence and motivation for the performer. Feedback has an important role to play in correcting errors and improving performance.

Types of feedback Intrinsic feedback: This type of feedback happens within the performer. Information received by the athlete as a direct result of producing a movement through the kinaesthetic senses - feelings from muscles, joints and balance. Accurately performed technique give internal feelings of satisfaction and confidence. Think. Pair. Share - How many different sporting examples can you think of where intrinsic feedback happens?

Types of feedback Extrinsic feedback: This feedback comes from results and match analysis. There are 2 lines of extrinsic feedback: Knowledge of results – the outcome Knowledge of performance – how well the performer played. The following are all examples of extrinsic feedback: Watching a performance back from video Listening to a coaches comments Final score in a game

Types of feedback Positive feedback – this involves information that rewards or praises a performance. This helps strengthen the S-R bond and can be extremely motivating to the athlete.

Types of feedback Negative feedback – This can be in the form of criticism and may be centred around poor aspects of a performance or results.

Feedback and skill development Feedback on a performer’s strengths and weakness is vital to their development. Feedback should also be: Easy to understand Not too much and enough to get improvements Concise Feedback should be... Constructive – focus on a weakness and how to improve Specific to the athletes sport Positive and highlight strengths

Apply it! Guidance and feedback What has stuck with you? Explain visual guidance. What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic feedback? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of verbal guidance. Describe the types of feedback and guidance a beginner would need. Guidance and feedback

Practice it! Exam questions Explain different types of feedback and evaluate their effect on information processing. [15 marks]

Practice it! Exam questions 2. Using examples, name the two different types of extrinsic motivation. [2 marks] 3. Games players will practise to improve their skills, but to do this regularly requires motivation. (i) How does intrinsic motivation differ from extrinsic motivation? [1 mark] (ii) Explain why intrinsic motivation is thought to be a better form of motivation than extrinsic motivation. [3 marks]

Practice it! Marks Scheme: 1. AO1 – Knowledge Knowledge of types of feedback with an explanation of each term, eg intrinsic/kinaesthetic feedback comes from within, information from the proprioception allowing the performer to evaluate their own actions. Other forms of feedback include extrinsic, concurrent, terminal, positive, negative, knowledge of results (KR) and knowledge of performance (KP). AO2 – Application Use of feedback to improve performance, eg KP can be used to help group correct skilled actions. KR can help build confidence if the result was successful, therefore can provide motivation. Positive feedback can provide reinforcement of correct action. Extrinsic feedback can help with correction of movement errors. Answer should be supported by suitable examples. AO3 – Analysis/Evaluation Evaluation of the effect of feedback on information processing. Information processing relies on feedback as part of a self-correcting or improvement system. In order for information processing to be efficient the feedback given needs to be appropriate to the skills level of the performer otherwise they would be unable to detect errors or adjust their movement, eg those at the cognitive stage would be less likely to attend to relevant cues from the display and would rely more heavily on extrinsic feedback than intrinsic therefore the coach/teacher would need to select the most appropriate form of feedback for the individuals to bring about the required improvement so that the correct movement could be reinforced when the skills were practised again the correct decision can be made by the individual.

Practice it! Marks Scheme: 2. A. Tangible – badges/prizes/rewards/ cups/medals, etc B. Intangible – Praise/peers/fans/crowd cheering/fame, etc 3. (i) A. Intrinsic from within/inside and extrinsic from outside B. Intrinsic = drive/urge from within. (ii) A. Intrinsic motivation gives performer a sense of control over performance; B. (Excessive) extrinsic may reduce/lead to loss of (intrinsic) motivation/play for prize, not love of game; C. Performers demand increasing extrinsic rewards/some rewards unimportant/lose their value D. Failure to achieve extrinsic reward may lead to loss of (intrinsic) motivation/if no reward, give up; E. Extrinsic motivation controls or manipulates behaviour/overly reliant F. (Excessive) need for extrinsic – too much pressure/ win at all costs/leads to cheating