Bridge modelling with CSI software
CSI Bridge 2017 Version 19 – Latest release 19.2.1 It’s SAP2000 v19, but with specific modules for bridge modeling, analysis and design Analysis engine is exactly the same Everything you can do with SAP2000, can also be done with CSI Bridge It only adds the specific modules for bridges
Modules Classical Division of Structural Analysis Software Preprocessor Analysis engine Postprocessor Trend to add a new module Design
Preprocessor Similar to SAP2000 Introduction to the concept of parametric bridge modeling Existence of two parallel databases: Finite elements (classical) Bridge objects (new) Automatic generation of the finite elements model from the parametric bridge model, with just one click of a button The user does not need to worry about joints, elements, meshes or loads Great enhancement in productivity
Parametric Bridge Modeling How can you characterize or define a bridge? Geometrically by the horizontal and vertical layout Any combination with straight and curved segments, for both horizontal and vertical layouts Superelevation Use of geographical bearings (angle with the cardinal points) Straight layout line Curved layout line
Parametric Bridge Modeling Everything is defined with geometric reference to the layout line Complex traffic lanes (with offsets and variable widths) Example with 8 traffic lanes Variable distance to the layout line Start and end of the lanes not coincident with the bridge limits
Parametric Bridge Modeling Wide libraries of standardized libraries US, UK, China, Canada, Eurocodes, India, New Zealand and UIC Flexibility in the creation of user-defined vehicles Apply vertical, braking and centrifugal load components together or separately Flexibility in defining the loaded lanes and reduction scale factors for simultaneity Definition of the superimposed dead loads (linear and area loads) with reference to the layout line and to the deck edges (width)
Parametric Bridge Modeling Bridge deck sections’ library Concrete cross-sections Composite cross-sections User-defined cross-sections Defining the properties Drawing on Section Designer Defined parametrically, all parameters can vary along the layout line
Parametric Bridge Modeling
Parametric Bridge Modeling Span lengths definition Columns definition: height Cross section skews bearings Abutments definition: foundations
Parametric Bridge Modeling Plan view of spans, location of columns, skews and deck width
Parametric Bridge Modeling Prestress Jacking force definition Losses calculation Hyperstatic effects Definition of the vertical and horizontal layout with reference to the layout line Special module for segmental bridges
Parametric Bridge Modeling Display the tendon locations along the layout line: Plan view Cross section Elevation view
Generation of the Finite Elements Model Automatic generation Frame elements Shell elements Solid elements Frames Shells Solids
Parametric Bridge Modeling Other definitions Mild rebar Staged Construction User-defined specific locations along the layout line Diaphragms Advantages Great enhancement in productivity No time spent on meshes and other specific details of a finite elements model More time for Engineering tasks Exploring a greater number of different solutions
Analysis Engine The same analysis engine used by SAP2000 Analyses: Static Linear Nonlinear Geometric Nonlinearity(P-Delta effects and large displacements) Material Nonlinearity Time-dependent effects on concrete and tendons Staged Construction Dynamic Modal Response Spectrum Time-History (linear and nonlinear) Buckling
Analysis Engine Elements library Frame and cable Membrane, plate and shell Solids Links Tension or compression Dampers (multiple types) Hysteretic Friction Generic (user-defined force-deformation relationship) Among others
Analysis Engine 64 bit (>4 GB RAM) Several solvers Standard Advanced Multi-threaded (parallel computing) Several solvers specially conceived to accelerate dynamic nonlinear analyses Provides information for diagnosing problems in the system resolution
Deformed shape and displacement contours Postprocessor Results display similar to SAP2000: Deformed shape Forces in frame elements Forces/stresses in shell elements Axial force in frames Deformed shape and displacement contours Membrane forces
Postprocessor Influence lines and surfaces display Axial force in frames
Postprocessor New module: Bridge Object Response Display Forces Displacements
Postprocessor New module: Bridge Object Response Display Stresses
Postprocessor New feature: bridge object response display Bridge response for Entire bridge section (blue) Beams or girders (other colors) Steel beams and deck sections in composite bridges Exporting results to Excel
Design Similar to SAP2000 Design of deck section Design of frame objects according to international design codes for steel and concrete structures Reinforcement design for shell objects Design of deck section Serviceability Limit States Stresses Ultimate Limit States Load resistance for prestressed sections Load resistance of steel sections including class 4 sections
Design Bridge design response display including forces vs. design forces Exporting design results to Excel
Other Features Automation and increased features using API (Application Programming Interface) It is possible to create plug-ins Programed by the user For third-party applications Example: Structural Optimizer from CSI Compatible with most major programming languages VBA (Excel, AutoCAD, etc.) Matlab and C#
Examples Prestressed Bridges
Examples Segmental Bridges
Examples Composite Bridges
Examples Cable-Stayed Bridges