CLIC Study Aim Conceptual design report in 2010


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Presentation transcript:

CLIC Study Aim Conceptual design report in 2010 Proof that all components and their interplay are conceptually understood Quantify expected overall performance and related component requirements Scientific case Proof of feasibility issues and cost estimation Evolution path to TDR

ATF2 Plans Participation in ATF2 commissioning Provision of simulation of ATF2 Tuning studies for ATF2 Push for smallest possible beta-functions Difficulty scales as y/L* y=0.09mm, L*=3.5m for CLIC at 3TeV y=0.05mm, L*=1m for pushed ATF2 Betafunction may be larger in CLIC AT 500GeV Plan to have a PhD student with Rogelio et al. to work on these topics

Lattice Design Order of energy and betatron collimation Collimation efficiency Machine protection Different energies Energy scans (10%) are difficult with permanent final quadrupole Luminosity runs at energies different from nominal Calibration runs Crossing angle is settled for now but review Long L* Easier for push-pull and magnet stabilisation But cost in luminosity Impact of polarisation Lines for polarisation measurement Optimisation of all existing beam lines 500GeV design(s) Evaluation of luminosity, collimation efficiency and beam loss

Performance Studies Static imperfections 80% of the machines achieve more than 80% of the luminosity Improvement needed A working group exists to address stabilisation hardware Final doublet stabilisation is essential Tolerance depends on support design, wish for 0.1nm stability at 4Hz Currently quadrupole is integrated into detector Difficult support design Orbit feedback in BDS is important Design of system Study of performance Tuning feedback needs to be studied Integrated studies Main linac RF jitter dominated by BDS bandwidth

MDI CLIC physics working group at CERN started being active We are providing luminosity spectra and background data Operation scenarios Luminosity spectrum reconstruction Forward region studies Detector design Started dedicated working group on MDI at CERN (conveners E. Tsemelis, D.S.) Technical design of push-pull Design of final quadrupole Integration of quadrupole stabilisation in detector Impact of detector solenoid Integration of intra-pulse feedback Mask design

Hardware Components Collimators Crab cavity design and phase stability (Cockcroft) Intra-pulse interaction point feedback Any improvement buys luminosity Integration into detector is important Final quadrupole design Solenoid design Likely need compensating solenoids to shield final quadrupoles Mask design etc. Stabilisation system Working group exists on this topic Beam dumps

CLIC Chart

CLIC Chart