Bobby Vanderbilt`s digital portfolio 2012 1st period
Artist statement My name is bobby and I was born in 10/24/97 at Clearwater, FL. my favorite color is green and I like to eat food. I like to hang out with my friends after school and also workout. I also ride my bike and work on them to. I also have a 4wheeler,gocart, truck, motorcycle, and a bunch of other stuff. I also like to work on things. I like to go hunting and fishing whenever I can.
Leonardo Da Vinci I think he is cool because he did the Mona Lisa, the last supper, Madonna and child, The Virgin of the Rocks. He was a sculptor, a scientist, an inventor, an architect, a musician, and a mathematician.
Kat This is my kitty it Goes meow! It is Blank its neck is Invisible.
Art portfolio
Crap sculpture
My Push Pin
MMMMM! Pizza ;^)
Cameo Face. U cant see me