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Presentation transcript: GEOGRAFIA POPULATIEI 2018

POPULATIA – totalitatea oamenilor care traiesc intr-un anumit spatiu geografic si intr-o anumita perioada. Geografia populatiei studiaza: numarul si evoluţia numerică ( dinamica populatiei) distributia spatiala mobilitatea populaţiei structura demografica (socio-culturala şi socio-economica) relatia populatie  – dezvoltare economica

108 billion people have ever lived on earth. 6 108 billion people have ever lived on earth. 6.4% of them – 7 billion – are alive now. Standing side by side, the entire world’s population would fit into 500 square miles (1,300 square kilometers,) – less than the size of Los Angeles. 

În prezent, cele mai populate şapte ţări ale lumii sunt China (1,36 miliarde) India (1,276 miliarde) SUA (316,2 milioane Indonezia (248,5 milioane) Brazilia (195,5 milioane) Pakistan (190,7 milioane) Nigeria (174,9 milioane) În prezent, cele mai populate şapte ţări ale lumii sunt

evoluţia numerică în jurul anului 8000 î.Hr. Revolutia agricola (neolitica) trecerea omului de la culegator si vanator la cultivator si crescator de animale Omul a devenit sedentar si a creat primele aşezări permanente Populatia Terrei aprox 5 mil loc estimările demografice dinainte de 1800 sunt doar aproximări La inceputul Erei noastre: aprox 250 mil loc.

8000 î.Hr. -1650 populatia a crescut treptat, dublându-se la fiecare 1500 de ani în 1650 - 500 de milioane Rata medie de creştere a populatiei a fost doar de 0,04-0,06% pe an, mortalitatea infantilă, foametea, bolile, dezastrele naturale şi războaiele au afectat puterinc dinamica populaţiei. Între 1650-1850, populaţia globului s-a dublat, atingând 1 miliard. Timpul de dublare s-a redus , de la 1500 de ani la doar 200 de ani rata de creştere a atins 0,3-0,4% pe an. după anul 1800 creşterea accentuată a populaţiei ca rezultat al evoluţiilor înregistrate în agricultură, sănătate şi igienă dar şi datorită schimbărilor economice şi sociale dupa revolutia industriala care au ridicat mult nivelul de trai, mai ales în Europa şi America de Nord.

World Population Growth Through History Billions 12 11 2100 10 9 Modern Age 8 Old Stone Bronze Iron Middle 7 Age New Stone Age Age Age Ages 6 2000 Future 5 4 1975 3 1950 2 1900 1 Black Death — The Plague 1800 1+ million 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. years B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Source: Population Reference Bureau; and United Nations, World Population Projections to 2100 (1998).

Sources: UN Population Division and Population Reference Bureau.

World Population Clock 2005 Natural Increase per World More Developed Countries Less Developed Countries Less Developed Countries (less China) Year 80,794,218 1,234,907 79,559,311 71,906,587 Day 221,354 3,383 217,971 197,004 Minute 154 2 151 137 Source: Population Reference Bureau, 2005 World Population Data Sheet.

Growth in More, Less Developed Countries Billions Less Developed Regions More Developed Regions Source: United Nations, World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision (medium scenario), 2005.

Bilantul total al populatiei EVOLUTIA NUMERICA A POPULATIEI Sporul natural Sporul migratoriu Bilantul total al populatiei

SPORUL NATURAL AL POPULATIEI is the percentage growth or decline in the population of a country per year (not including net migration). Countries in Africa and Southwest Asia have the highest current rates, while Russia and some European countries have negative rates

SPORUL NATURAL AL POPULATIEI este un indicator demografic care arata cu cat creste/scade numarul populatiei intr-un an, exclusiv pe cale naturala (fara migratii) reprezinta diferenta dintre natalitatea si mortalitatea intregistrate in cadrul unei populatii in timp de un an. Sn = N – M Natalitatea- numarul total al nascutilor vii dintr-un an, la fiecare 1000 locuitori. Mortalitatea- numarul total al decedatilor dintr-un an, la fiecare 1000 locuitori

Statul cu cea mai mare rata a N este Niger (51.26 / 1000 loc). Natalitatea- numarul total al nascutilor vii dintr-un an, la fiecare 1000 locuitori Statul cu cea mai mare rata a N este Niger (51.26 / 1000 loc). Statul cu cea mai mica rata a N este Japonia(7.64 / 1000 loc) Years CBR 1950–1955 37.2 2000–2005 21.2 1955–1960 35.3 2005–2010 20.3 1960–1965 34.9 2010–2015 19.4 1965–1970 33.4 2015–2020 18.2 1970–1975 30.8 2020–2025 16.9 1975–1980 28.4 2025–2030 15.8 1980–1985 27.9 2030–2035 15.0 1985–1990 27.3 2035–2040 14.5 1990–1995 24.7 2040–2045 14.0 1995–2000 22.5 2045–2050 13.4

La nivel national N variaza f mult N > 30 /1000 este considerata ridicata 1990 - 50% dintre tarile lumii au N >30 /1000 2012 este aprox 20/1000 Statele cu N mare sunt predominant cele cu economie agrara si cu o proportie mare a populatiei feminine, tinere Inregistrarirle natalitatii nu sunt intotdeauna complete: datele arata ca annual sunt 50 mil nasteri care nu sunt numarate si inregistrate oficial N < 18/1000 este considerata scazuta Natalitatea se modifica in functie de conditii demografice, economice, sociale: Industrializarea Urbanizarea Imbatranirea populatiei Politicile demografice guvernamentale La nivel national N variaza f mult

N = 10–20 /1000 este considerata scazuta O natalitate scazuta produce un dezechilibru intre grupele de varsta. Apar probleme legate de sustinerea unei populatii varstnice numeroase de catre un numar mai redus al populatiei active N = 40–50 /1000 este considerata ridicata. O natalitate ridicata produce probleme privind: educatia unui numar mare de copii si tineri, crearea locurilor de munca, asigurarea locuintelor, a conditiilor economice si sociale adecvate, calitatea mediului inconjurator.

In multe tari ale lumii, scaderea natalitatii se datoreaza; Rata N este o preocupare importanta a statelor in elaborarea politicii demografice Unele state (ex Italia si Malaysia) incurajeaza cresterea natalitatii prin facilitati fiscale, suport financiar, sau diferite servicii pentru tinerele mame Alte state (ex Chia, Iran) au politici de reducere a natalitatii prin controlul nasterilor pe cai administrative, fiscale sau chiar politice ( China “Un singur copil”) In multe tari ale lumii, scaderea natalitatii se datoreaza; emanciparii si drepturiilor femeii incadrarii ei activa in toate domeniile economice si sociale , masurilor de sanatate a reproducerii, legalizarii intreruperilor de sarcina si a altor masuri contraceptive, planificarii familiale In multe tari in dezvoltare , aflate in tranzitie demografica, N ridicata este asociata cu: nivel de trai scazut saracie Malnutritie probleme de sanatate, speranata de viata scazuta, nivel redus al educatiei.

China - reduced CBR from 33+ in 1970 to 18 in 1986. Historical population of China  Census Pop. %± 1953 582,603,417 — 1964 694,581,759 19.2% 1982 1,008,175,288 45.1% 1990 1,133,682,501 12.4% 2000 1,265,830,000 11.7% 2010 1,339,724,852 5.8% China's Way In 1965 Chairman Mao stated an ever larger population was "a good thing," when China's CBR was 37 per 1000 and its population was 540 million. In 1976 population reached 852 million although the CBR declined to 25 . During the 1970s, when it became evident that population growth was consuming more than half the annual increase in the country's gross domestic product, China introduced a well-publicized campaign advocating the "two child family" and provided services such as abortions supporting the program. CBR dropped to 19.5 by the late 1970s. "One couple, one child" became the slogan in 1979 backed by both incentives and penalties. late marriages were encouraged Single child families received: free contraceptives cash awards abortions sterilization Government sign in Tang Shan: "For a prosperous, powerful nation and a happy family, please practice family planning."

Years TFR 1950–1955 4.95 1955–1960 4.89 1960–1965 4.91 1965–1970 4.85 1970–1975 4.45 1975–1980 3.84 1980–1985 3.59 1985–1990 3.39 1990–1995 3.04 1995–2000 2.79 2000–2005 2.62 2005–2010 2.52 2010–2015 2.36 Rata totala afertilitatii unei populatii = numarul mediu de copii pe care o femeie ii naste in timpul vietii ei “numarul mediu” – deorece in cadrul unei populatii, din numarul total de nasteri unei femei ii revin mai multe, altei femei, mai putine

Rata totala a fertilitatii . The lowest rates are in Europe, and the highest are in Africa and parts of the Middle East.

1 Niger 7.03 2 Mali 6.25 3 Somalia 6.17 4 Uganda 6.06 5 Burkina Faso 202     Greece 1.41 203     Italy 204     Hungary 205     Serbia 206     Armenia 1.39 207     Slovakia 208     Japan 209     Andorra 1.37 210     Latvia 1.34 211     Slovenia 1.32 212     Poland 213     Romania 1.31 214     Czech Republic 1.29 215     Ukraine 216     Montserrat(UK) 1.28 217     Lithuania 218     Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.25 219     South Korea 1.24 220     British Virgin Islands (UK) 221     Hong Kong 1.11 222     Taiwan 223     Macau 0.93 224     Singapore 0.79 1 Niger 7.03 2     Mali 6.25 3     Somalia 6.17 4     Uganda 6.06 5     Burkina Faso 6.00 6     Burundi 5.99 7     Zambia 5.81 8     Afghanistan 5.54 9     South Sudan 10     Angola 5.49 11     Republic of the Congo 12     Mozambique 5.34 13     Nigeria 5.31 14     Ethiopia 15     Malawi 5.26

the crude death rate for the whole world MORTALITATEA the crude death rate for the whole world is about 8.37 per 1000 per year

Factori care influenteaza mortalitatea Nivelul general de trai Alimentatia Sisteul de sanatate publica Sanatatea si igiena personala Siguranta surselor de apa Factori naturali

MORTALITATEA Years CDR 1950–1955 19.5 8.6 1955–1960 17.3 2005–2010 8.5 1960–1965 15.5 2010–2015 8.3 1965–1970 13.2 2015–2020 1970–1975 11.4 2020–2025 1975–1980 10.7 2000–2005 1980–1985 10.3 2030–2035 8.8 1985–1990 9.7 2035–2040 9.2 1990–1995 9.4 2040–2045 9.6 1995–2000 8.9 2045–2050 10

Death rate (deaths/1000 persons) Afghanistan 14.35 Angola 11.86 Country Death rate (deaths/1000 persons)     Afghanistan 14.35     Angola 11.86     Central African Republic 14.42     Djibouti 7.96     Lesotho 15.02     Liberia 10.12     Malawi 12.54     Mozambique 12.57     Sierra Leone 11.26     South Africa 17.36     Swaziland 13.95     Zambia 13.17     Nigeria 13.20     Zimbabwe 11.40     Chad 14.85     Russia 13.97 M max     Romania 11.86

    Costa Rica 4.44     Nicaragua 5.06     Turks and Caicos Islands 3.06     American Samoa 4.62     Solomon Islands 3.88     West Bank 3.53     Oman 3.40     Maldives 3.80     Macau 3.97     Libya 3.56     Gaza Strip 3.15     Brunei 3.43     Jordan 2.80     Saudi Arabia 3.32     Qatar 1.54     Kuwait 2.14     Northern Mariana Islands 3.52     United Arab Emirates 2.01 M min

Morbiditatea – nr imbolnavirilor

According to the World Health Organization, the 10 leading causes of death in were: 12.6% Ischaemic heart disease 9.7% Cerebrovascular disease 6.8% Lower respiratory infections 4.9% HIV/AIDS 4.8% Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3.2% Diarrhoeal diseases 2.7% Tuberculosis 2.2% Trachea/bronchus/lung cancers 2.2% Malaria 2.1% Road traffic accidents

2. Rata mortalitatii infantile – numarul de decese in primul an de viata raportat la 1000 de nou nascuti . 50 dintre cele mai sarace state ale lumii, mai ales din Africa, speranta de viata este sub 55 ani In tarile din sudul Africii cauza principala amortalitatii este SIDA

Life Expectancy at Birth in World Regions 1. Speranta de viata - numarul mediu de ani pe care un nou nascut spera ca va trai Speranta de viata globala a crescut la 69 ani (global) 77 ani in tarile dezvoltate 67 ani in tarile in dezvoltare 56 ani in tarile subdezvoltate Life Expectancy at Birth in World Regions

180 Burundi ALL 53.0 181 Cameroon 52.6 182 Mozambique 183 Chad 51.5 Japan ALL 82.7 2 Switzerland 82.6 3 San Marino 4 Italy 82.4 5 Singapore 82.3 6 Iceland 7 Andorra 82.2 8 Australia 9 Spain 82.1 10 Qatar 180 Burundi ALL 53.0 181 Cameroon 52.6 182 Mozambique 183 Chad 51.5 184 Angola 185 Mali 51.3 186 Swaziland 50.2 187 Lesotho 50.1 188 Guinea-Bissau 49.9 189 Somalia 49.8 190 Rep Of Congo 49.5 191 Central Africa 48.4 192 Sierra Leone 46.5

SPORUL NATURAL Sn=N - M in evolutia numerica a populatiei din ultimele decenii se manifesta o scadere a mai mare a ratei M decat o crestere a ratei N. O imbunatatire in domeniul nutritiei O imbunatatire a starii de sanatate prin cresterea accesului la serviciile medicale, cresterea calitatii acestora aplicarea pe scara larga a masurilor de imunizare a populatiei Population growth rate 1.06% note: this rate results in about 148 net additions to the worldwide population every minute or 2.5 every second (2016 est.) Birth rate 18.5 births/1,000 population note: this rate results in about 258 worldwide births per minute or 4.3 births every second (2016 est.) Death rate 7.8 deaths/1,000 population note: this rate results in about 108 worldwide deaths per minute or 1.8 deaths every second (2016 est.)

Democratic Republic of the Congo 11.39 42.26 30.87 Burkina Faso 13.02 Country Crude death rate Crude birth rate Rate of natural increase     Democratic Republic of the Congo 11.39 42.26 30.87     Burkina Faso 13.02 43.98 30.96     Mali 14.64 46.09 31.45     Burundi 9.87 41.43 31.56     Mayotte 7.05 38.76 31.71     Zambia 12.84 44.63 31.79     Ethiopia 11.29 43.34 32.05     Gaza Strip 3.36 36.26 32.90     Uganda 11.90 47.55 35.65     Niger 14.47 51.08 36.61

Rate of natural increase Haiti 32.31 24.92 -7.39 Ukraine 15.58 9.62 Countries Country Crude death rate Crude birth rate Rate of natural increase     Haiti 32.31 24.92 -7.39     Ukraine 15.58 9.62 -6.08     Russia 16.04 11.11 -4.93     Bulgaria 14.31 9.43 -4.88     Serbia 13.89 9.20 -4.69     Belarus 13.81 9.76 -4.05     Latvia 13.60 9.90 -3.70     Estonia 13.48 10.42 -3.06     Hungary 12.67 9.70 -2.97     Italy 10.83 8.01 -2.82     Germany 11.00 8.21 -2.79     Japan 9.98 7.41 -2.42     Croatia 11.83 9.63 -2.20     Romania 11.78 9.58

Rates of Natural Increase


more than 50% 20% to 50% 10% to 20% 4% to 10% 1% to 4% less than 1% Map of the world with countries coloured according to their immigrant population as a percentage of total population more than 50% 20% to 50% 10% to 20% 4% to 10% 1% to 4% less than 1% no data

Country Number of immigrants Percentage of total number of immigrants in the world Immigrants as percentage of national population  United States 45,785,090 19.8 14.3  Russia 11,048,064 4.8 7.7  Germany 9,845,244 4.3 11.9  Saudi Arabia 9,060,433 3.9 31.4  United Arab Emirates 7,826,981 3.4 83.7  United Kingdom 7,824,131 12.4  France 7,439,086 3.2 11.6  Canada 7,284,069 3.1 20.7  Australia 6,468,640 2.8 27.7  Spain 6,466,605 13.8  Italy 5,721,457 2.5 9.

Net migration rates for 2011: - positive (blue), - negative (orange), - stable (green), - and no data (gray)

Cauze Mediul social, politic si economic din tara de origine: lipsa oportunitatilor pentru valorificare personala si profesionala instabilitate si persecutii politice criza economica riscuri privind sanatatea Oportunitati deosebite in tarile de imigrare valorificare personala si profesionala Stabilitate politica libertati individuale economie dezvoltata nivel de trai ridicat Brain drain - emigrarea indivizilor cu abilitati personale si profesionale deosebite

Population: growth rank country or area annual growth rate in % highest rate of population growth 2010-2015 1. Niger 3.523 2. Malawi 3.242 3. Uganda 3.143 4. Afghanistan 3.131 5. Iraq 3.098 6. United Republic of Tanzania 3.082 7. Zambia 3.047 8. Yemen 3.025 9. Mayotte 3.021 10. Burkina Faso 2.984

Lowest rate of population growth 2010-2015 1. Niue -2.803 2. Saint Helena -0.879 3. Republic of Moldova -0.683 4. Bulgaria -0.658 5. Wallis and Futuna Islands -0.649 6. Georgia -0.595 7. Ukraine -0.547 8. Lithuania -0.438 9. Latvia -0.376 10. Belarus -0.325 11. United States Virgin Islands -0.255 12. Bosnia and Herzegovina -0.237 13. Romania -0.231 14. Germany -0.203

WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE DISTRIBUTED? Densely Population Areas East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Europe North America Sparsely Population Areas arid lands tropical rainforests highlands high latitudes

The map below indicates the countries where most of the growth is occurring. Note that most of the fast growth is in Africa and the Middle East --- the explosive zones, one might say.

The map below indicates the countries where most of the growth is occurring. Note that most of the fast growth is in Africa and the Middle East – the explosive zones

Life expectancy at birth World 68.7 y

rank country lifespan 1995-2000 lifespan 2000-2005 lifespan 2010-2015 Population: lowest life expectancy at birth rank country lifespan 1995-2000 lifespan 2000-2005 lifespan 2010-2015 lifespan 2020-2025 lifespan 2045-2050 1. Botswana 44.4 36.1 43.0 51.6 63.2 2. Mozambique 40.6 38.0 41.0 47.4 62.8 3. Swaziland 50.8 38.1 39.2 49.8 62.7 4. Malawi 40.7 39.3 43.1 49.0 64.0 5. Lesotho 51.2 40.2 37.8 45.5 65.1 6. Sierra Leone 37.3 40.5 44.5 48.8 61.5 7. Djibouti 44.2 63.3 8. Burundi 44.9 49.6 64.3 9. Rwanda 39.4 40.9 46.5 52.8 64.2 10. Zambia 42.2 52.1 58.6 66.0

Population: highest life expectancy at birth rank country lifespan 1995-2000 lifespan 2000-2005 lifespan 2010-2015 lifespan 2020-2025 lifespan 2045-2050 1. Japan 80.5 81.5 83.3 84.9 88.0 2. Sweden 79.3 80.1 81.1 82.1 84.6 3. Iceland 78.9 79.4 80.3 83.1 4. Australia 78.7 79.2 81.0 83.0 5. Israel 78.3 80.6 81.6 83.5 6. Switzerland 78.6 79.1 80.0 80.9 82.9 7. France 78.1 79.0 84.0 8. Canada 78.5 80.8 82.8 9. Norway 80.2 81.2 83.7 10. Belgium 77.9 78.8 81.4 83.8

11. Spain 78.1 78.8 79.7 80.6 82.6 12. Italy 78.2 78.7 82.5 13. Austria 77.7 78.5 80.1 81.2 83.6 14. Malta 77.6 80.3 81.6 84.0 15. Greece 78.0 79.5 80.4 82.4 16. Netherlands 77.9 78.3 79.3 80.2 82.2 17. Cyprus 77.8 79.2 18. United Kingdom 77.2 79.8 81.1 83.0 19. Germany 77.3 81.0 83.4 20. Singapore 77.1 80.9 82.9 21. Finland 22. New Zealand 79.0 80.0 82.0 23. Luxembourg 77.0 80.8 82.8 24. USA 76.5 77.5 80.7 25. Barbados 76.4 78.4 81.4   World 65.0 66.0 68.7 71.3 76.0

Birth and Death Rates, Worldwide Birth rates and death rates are declining around the world. Overall economic development, public health programs, and improvements in food production and distribution, water, and sanitation have led to dramatic declines in death rates. And women now have fewer children than they did in the 1950s. Nevertheless, if death rates are lower than birth rates, populations will still grow. Also, it is possible for absolute numbers of births to increase even when birth rates decline. Rates of birth, death, and natural increase per 1,000 population Natural Increase

The Classic Stages of Demographic Transition Women worldwide are having fewer children in their lifetimes, from an average of five children born per woman in the 1950s to below three in 2000. All of the most recent projections put forth by the UN assume that levels of childbearing will continue to decline in the next century. Note: Natural increase is produced from the excess of births over deaths.

In ultimii 50 ani populatia Lumiii s-a multiplicat mult mai rapid decat in orice alta perioada din istorie 1950: 2,5 mild 2005: 6,5 mild, world La o rata medie anuala de crestere a populatiei de 3%, timpul de dublare a populatiei este de 23 ani.

rata medie anuala de crestere a populatiei tarile dezv. din Europa si America de Nord, Australia si Jponia <1%. Este negativa in multe tari europene: Rusia (-0.5%), Estonia (-0.4%), Ungaria (-0.3%), Ucraina (-0.8%).