Develop a Leadership Strategy to Drive Organizational Results Strengthen organizational leadership by developing a clear vision of the leaders your organization needs to drive results. McLean & Company is a research and advisory firm providing practical solutions to human resources challenges via executable research, tools and advice that have a clear and measurable impact on your business. © 1997-2017 McLean & Company. McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group. SAMPLE Learn about becoming a member
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Key Insight: SAMPLE Situation Leadership is critical to organizational success. Effective leadership improves employee engagement and reduces turnover, but most importantly, it drives bottom-line results. However, leadership for many organizations misses the mark. Executives often fail within two years (CCL, 2016), and business opportunities are lost because of insufficient capabilities. Resolution Develop a leadership strategy tied to the organizational strategy to build your organization’s leadership capacity. This includes: A vision for leadership and how it supports business strategies. Leadership competencies required to carry out these strategies. A plan of action for how to align people processes to meet leadership needs, including addressing any organizational barriers to leadership success. Complication Leadership development isn’t helping. Less than half of business leaders would describe the return from their leadership development efforts as good or very good (Korn Ferry Institute, 2015). The current operational context makes it more difficult than ever for leadership to be effective. The VUCA environment makes it more difficult to make good decisions, organizations are not always set up to promote effective leadership, and traditionally rewarded leadership behaviors are a liability for leaders today. Key Insight: Building the organization’s leadership capabilities is not just about leadership development. Develop a strategy for leadership that is tied to the organizational strategy and takes into account today’s leadership needs in order to set the organization up for leadership success. SAMPLE
GUIDED IMPLEMENTATION MCLEAN & COMPANY OFFERS VARIOUS LEVELS OF SUPPORT TO BEST SUIT YOUR NEEDS CONSULTING “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.” GUIDED IMPLEMENTATION “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” DIY TOOLKIT “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.” WORKSHOP “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options SAMPLE
Use McLean & Company’s three-step process to create your strategy and promote effective leadership Leadership Strategy SAMPLE
Today’s approach to leadership is not working Leaders are failing at a high rate: Poor leadership represents a lost opportunity 74% of transformations are unsuccessful. (McKinsey, 2015) Leaders impact the bottom line: 2x A study of 50,000 managers at a Fortune 500 bank found that great leadership was associated with nearly double Net Income (Zenger, 2015). 38% – 50% of executives fail in their first 18 months. (CCL, 2016) Leaders impact those around them: Only 25% think there is an adequate pool of ready successors for key C-suite positions. (Stanford University, 2014) 33% Turnover: Almost one-third of employees who leave organizations cite lack of trust in executive leadership as a reason (McLean & Company Exit Survey, 2017, N=4,656). 30% of US companies have lost international business opportunities because they lack leaders with the right capabilities. 3x Employee Engagement: Employees who perceive relationships with their senior leaders in a positive light are three times more likely to be engaged (McLean & Company, 2017, N=47620). (Gurdjian et al, 2014) SAMPLE
A clear leadership strategy drives results. Ineffective leadership development is a symptom of a lack of leadership strategy A clear leadership strategy drives results. So why does leadership development have such a dysfunctional relationship between investment and success? The answer can be summed up in one word: strategy. – Claude Werner “ Significant impact on the business bottom line: 51% of leading organizations report significant impact vs. 18% of all others. Smaller leadership gap: 49% of leading organizations report a leadership gap vs. 77% of all others. ” Improved leadership bench strength: 76% of leading organizations report that over half of leadership positions are internally filled vs. 49% of all others. Approximately 81% of organizations surveyed have a less than mature strategy that connects leadership development and business performance (2016 Brandon Hall Group Leadership Development Study, N=275). A mature strategy typically includes consideration for the quantity of leaders needed, qualities (e.g. diverse), critical competencies, and how leaders support organizational culture (Pasmore, Werder). More effective leadership development programs: 74% of leading organizations rate leadership development programs as effective vs. 28% of all others. Competitive advantage for the employer brand: 91% of high-performing organizations report that leadership development is a competitive advantage for the employer brand vs. 41% of all others. Source: 2016 Brandon Hall Group Leadership Development Study, N=275 “ The most important thing to understand about great leadership development is that it is not a program. Great leadership development is a strategy and culture. – Freifeld ” SAMPLE
Understand how the leadership strategy fits in the broader organizational strategy A leadership strategy is not to be confused with a leadership development program. It is more comprehensive and comes before designing any development programs. McLean & Company defines a leadership strategy as a plan for meeting organizational needs that considers: The organization’s vision for leadership and how it supports business strategies. Leadership competencies required to carry out these strategies. How to align people processes to meet leadership needs, including addressing any organizational barriers to leadership success. Your organization’s leadership strategy must be derived from the organizational and people strategies and then used as an input into all of the planning for HR programs. This will ensure that the organization is set up to build the leadership it needs to execute on its business imperatives. SAMPLE
MCLEAN & COMPANY HELPS HR PROFESSIONALS TO: Now, more than ever, HR leaders need to help their organizations maximize the value of their people. McLean & Company offers the tools, diagnostics, and programs to drive measurable results. – Jennifer Rozon, Vice President, McLean & Company “ Empower management to apply HR best practices Develop effective talent acquisition & retention strategies Build a high performance culture Maintain a progressive set of HR policies & procedures Demonstrate the business impact of HR Stay abreast of HR trends & technologies Sign up to have access to our extensive selection of practical solutions for your HR challenges LEARN ABOUT BECOMING A MEMBER Toll Free: 1-877-281-0480 SAMPLE