i Brief Overview on the review Ilja Bohnet 1 | 10 Brief Overview on the review The first part of the PoF IV evaluation i Ilja Bohnet Forschungsbereichsbeauftragter der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
i Agenda for the preparatory meeting with chairs General context of the review (as 1st part of the PoF IV evaluation) Research Field Matter R&D activities of the center in general and within Matter during the running Program Period and outlook Research Units of the center within Matter - as targets of the review Status of recruitment of experts for the review panel Agenda of the review Templates and timelines which will be provided A Status Report will be provided in advance of the review A questionnaires serves as first basis to start the discussion The template of the review report follows a catalogue of questions to the reviewers Scope of the review, tasks for the reviewers, further steps etc. i Status Report of Center XY Vol. I
i Helmholtz Research Mission & Strategy 1 | 10 Helmholtz Research Mission & Strategy The Helmholtz Association is Germany's largest research organization Its members include eighteen major German Research Centers, which are legally independent bodies The mission of the Helmholtz Association is to contribute to solving grand challenges which face society, science and industry by performing cutting- edge research in Strategic Programs in different Research Fields, one of them is Matter Development, construction and operation of large-scale facilities for external users is an important aspect of the mission of the Helmholtz Association i
1 | 10 18 research centers with several branch institutes and Helmholtz Institutes HELMHOLTZ CENTERS i GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) German Aerospace Center (DLR) Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (HZG) Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB) Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) Hemholtz Zentrum München – German Research Center for Environmental Health (HMGU) Research fields: Energy Earth and Environment Health Aeronautics, Space & Transport Matter Key Technologies i 7 research centers are involved in Matter; 6 Matter reviews will take place explicitly
i Research Portfolio of the Helmholtz Association ENERGY HEALTH MATTER 1 | 10 Research Portfolio of the Helmholtz Association Matter is the biggest research field of the Helmholtz Association i ENERGY HEALTH MATTER EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT AERONAUTICS, SPACE AND TRANSPORT KEY TECHNOLOGIES
i Matter Research Field 1 | 10 Matter Research Field The strategy is described by the Helmholtz programs i The research in this field focuses on the structure of matter, its building blocks and forces; the Research Field consists of three programs: „Matter and the Universe“ (MU): Elementary Particle Physics, Hadron and Nuclei Physics, and Astroparticle Physics „From Matter to Materials and Life“ (MML): Solid State Physics and Condensed Matter, Atom- and Plasma Physics, Physics on Molecules, and Structural Biological Systems „Matter and Technologies“ (MT): Generic driven Research & Development Activities on Accelerator Physics and Detector Systems as well as on Data Sciences . Bild oben: Montagearbeiten zur Experimentvorbereitung am HADES-Detektor der GSI. Foto: GSI Bild unten: Petra III oder European XFEL. Bild: DESY
i Matter Research Field Examples: 1 | 10 Matter Research Field Large-scale facilities for external users as basis for Matter activities i Examples: Research with Photons at FLASH, PETRA III at DESY, or BESSY II at HZB and the EU-XFEL: powerful light source FAIR: anti-proton and ion research at GSI or with IBC at HZDR Research with neutrons of FZJ and HZG at FRM II or at BER II of HZB ELBE and laser facilities at HZDR KATRIN for neutrino physics (as an example for an large-scale experiment) European XFEL at DESY Bild oben: Montagearbeiten zur Experimentvorbereitung am HADES-Detektor der GSI. Foto: GSI Bild unten: Petra III oder European XFEL. Bild: DESY Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) develops neutron scattering instruments at leading international neutron sources.
i Matter Research Field 1 | 10 Matter Research Field 3 Programs – 7 Centers – 3,1 Billion € (2015-2019)* Matter and the Universe Programs From Matter to Materials and Life Matter and Technologies Large-scale Facilities (LSF) European XFEL (in-kind of DESY) Associated LSF Bild oben: Montagearbeiten zur Experimentvorbereitung am HADES-Detektor der GSI. Foto: GSI Bild unten: Petra III oder European XFEL. Bild: DESY FAIR (in-kind of GSI and FZJ; not part of the PoF III evaluation) i 1/3 of Matter resources corresponds to R&D activities; 2/3 is related to activities on development, construction and operation of LSF *) Integral number of the base budgets proposed in the Position Paper of the Research Field Matter in 2013 for the 3rd program period.
i i Matter Research Field 1 | 10 Matter Research Field Resources (full costs in M€) per year (approx.) FIS-Int (int. part of XFEL, FAIR) was not part of the PoFIII evaluation i Bild oben: Montagearbeiten zur Experimentvorbereitung am HADES-Detektor der GSI. Foto: GSI Bild unten: Petra III oder European XFEL. Bild: DESY Matter matrix covers a broad area of complementary research activities i The numbers are based on the proposed base budgets presented in the position paper of Matter 2013 including 4 M€/a for HICforFAIR; reduction of resources for ANKA by 2,5 M€/a; additional resources of 15 M€/a for DESY for operation of European XFEL..
i The Program-oriented Funding (PoF) 1 | 10 The Program-oriented Funding (PoF) The main part of the core funding of the Helmholtz Association comes from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Funds are distributed to the Research Centers based on the evaluation of effectiveness & competitiveness of the research & development activities at international standards within certain programs (PoF) The President, who leads the organization, is responsible for the development of the evaluation system and for the execution of the evaluation 90 % by BMBF, 10 % by Federal States i
i Tasks & scope of the review panel Evaluation of Research Units (RU) defined by the center and its structure; scientific work will be presented at the level of research groups (~10 FTE) within each RU; LSF are presented as units similar to RUs Tasks & scope of the review panel i The panel evaluates the scientific quality of the present R&D activities within Research Units in the research field Matter of the center as a mid-term evaluation of the running program period delivering the basis for a strategic evaluation on a higher level two years later w.r.t. forth program period The chair of the panel is involved in the selection process of the panel members, and will moderate the review For the evaluation of R&D activities in the research field Matter at the center it is foreseen to nominate a target number of panel members The evaluation time will take about 3 days (plus onsite-visit at branch institute in advance)
i Review Panels within the Research Field Matter (Status: June 10) 1) Note: 1 = HGF-program or topic; 2 = Organizational Center Unit; 3 = Mixture of 1 and 2. 2) Full Time Equivalents. 3) Including the chair of the panel; nomination and recruitment process of experts is ongoing. 4) Calendar days excluding on-site visits before the review. 5) Assuming that a reviewer can evaluate the R&D activities of 5 FTE per day; ideal ratio would be ≥ 0,2. For each review panel experts have to be defined to evaluate the RU; among them panel members have to be defined to evaluate in addition as program reviewers the center’s contribution to the corresponding program; furthermore there are experts participating in different review panels i
i Review criteria At the level of Research Units (RU) Standardized for the whole Helmholtz Association i At the level of Research Units (RU) Scientific quality & performance at international level Contribution to center’s strategy as well as to Helmholtz program topics At the level of Large-scale Facilities (LSF) Instrumentation and user availability At the Center’s level Contribution to Helmholtz programs as a whole, and Strategic relevance for Helmholtz at international level Review Report Center XY RU-1 Review Report of Center XY Scientific Quality and Performance and Contribution to the Research Field
i i i Aggregation of review results at the program level Review Report Review Report of Center XY Aggregation of review results on center’s contribution to corresponding program topics is done at the end of the review by the reviewers themselves Quantity of center’s contribution to program is described by FTEs at Center level Review Report Center XY RU-1 i i Contribution of the center to a program topic is described in the status reports by (WP-like) activities or items of corresponding RUs Review Report Program topic x Review Report Program topic y Review Report Program topic z Review Report Program XY-XX Review Report of Center XX Review Report Center XX RU-1