Welcome to: Abbey Gates Primary School’s SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) Information Evening
The tests… English Comprehension – Externally marked SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar)– Externally marked Writing - Internally marked Mathematics Externally marked
English Comprehension (Reading Test) 1hr to complete paper and read texts Includes 3 texts with increasing difficulty (new this year) Children can refer back to the text. Reading for understanding is essential. Children will be required to refer to text to justify their responses.
Quick Answers
More Complex Answers
3 Mark Answers
How can you help? Listen to your child read every day and ask questions about what they have read: Why do you think Rosie acted that way? What might Rosie have been thinking and why? What do you think this character might have thought about what Rosie did?
SPAG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Pronouns substitutes for nouns in order to avoid repetition: I, you, he, she, it, we, you (plural), they, me, him, her, us, them
I or me? If you can take away the other people in the sentence, which then makes better sense – I or me? After we went cycling, I was very tired? After we went cycling, me was very tired? The teacher asked I to collect the books? The teacher asked me to collect the books?
Writing Tests Writing tests are now internally marked through ongoing assessments in the classroom.
Spelling Test Within a text. Fill in the missing gaps. 20 spellings. Marks added to the overall writing score. Only contributes at best 14% to the writing score.
Fill in the blanks
Maths Ma1 Using and applying mathematics Ma2 Number and algebra Ma3 Shapes, space and measures Ma4 Handling data
How it works There are three test papers: Paper A which lasts 45 minutes and carries 40 marks (Non-calculator). Paper B which lasts 45 minutes and carries 40 marks (Non-calculator). Mental maths test which lasts approx 20 minutes and carries 20 marks. Questions will test all areas but now focus an application, reasoning and problem solving.
Equipment All equipment needed for these tests will be provided by the school. It changes each year according to the requirements of the questions.
Hints for Success Underline key words Ask for questions to be read to you Annotate diagrams Show all the steps to multi-step problems Ensure digits are legible – digit formation Never overwrite a wrong answer
Question Example 1
Question Example 2
Question Example 3
Mental Maths Answer Sheet
In school Daily teaching / interventions Booster Sessions Reading support
Top Tips Don’t panic Follow school’s revision programme/advice/be prepared to try Read questions thoroughly Get plenty of sleep Try your best Try not to leave an answer blank Manage your time effectively Don’t panic!
Websites http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/ http://www.woodlands-junior.kent/sch.uk/SATS http://www.st-josephs-pickering.n-yorks.sch.uk/past_test_papers.htm http://www.schoolzone.co.uk http://www.nrich.maths.org.uk/
Any questions…