Page Title Sub Title Photos Diagrams Drawings Project Title Page Title Because we are against a tight timeline, we don’t want to be doing rough work and copying it up later Our presentation must be perfect from the start All your work should be done on this template that I will put on the website Drawings can be scanned in, work from other programs can be copied & pasted in. Sub Title Text Photos Diagrams Drawings @toothillSTEM
Project Outline Sub Title Project Title Project Outline Sub Title Text Did your project achieve its aims? What was the end result? Does your project have real world applications? @toothillSTEM
Project Concept Sub Title Project Title Project Concept Sub Title Text What was the motivation behind your project and what were your aims? @toothillSTEM
Project Process Sub Title How did you plan and organise your work? Project Title Project Process Sub Title Text How did you plan and organise your work? @toothillSTEM
Project Outcomes Sub Title Project Title Project Outcomes Sub Title Text Our judges will read lots of entries, so make sure your summary is clear & explains what your project is about. @toothillSTEM
4 Image Files Photos Diagrams Drawings Project Title In order to help judges visualise your project, you can upload a short video and / or images below. This is also an opportunity for judges to ‘meet’ you. Content can be images of your project, or specific elements of your project that support your answers to the questions above. If you have any supporting materials such as graphs or images of your project you would like judges to see, you can upload them below in the following formats: PDF, PPT, JPEG’. Please do not upload a project report instead of completing the above sections, as your entry will not be scored. @toothillSTEM