The New Jersey Driver Manual Chapter 3 Driver Safety and the Rules of the Road
New Jersey’s Seat Belt Law All front seat passengers must wear a seatbelt. Drivers with GDL permits/provisional licenses and all of their passengers must wear seatbelts Wearing a seatbelt increases your chance of surviving a crash by 60% Page 38
Seatbelts Help in Many Ways Keeps you from being thrown from the vehicle in a collision Slow the body down with the vehicle Keeps you from sliding during sudden stops and turns/aids in keeping driver in place to control vehicle Page 38
Child Restraint Law Children up to age 8 or weight of 80lbs must ride in a federally approved safety or booster seat in the rear of the vehicle. Children under age 8 and over 80lbs must be in the rear seat and use a seatbelt. If a passenger in the front seat is over 18 and caught not wearing a seat belt, he/she is held responsible. Page 40
Before you Drive Check around your car Adjust Seat Seatbelt! Check windows and mirrors Lock doors Page 44
Steering Hand Position Hand-Over-Hand Steering Use the horn to signal when passing or when coming out of a blind alley, curve or driveway. Should be able to be heard from 200ft Page 46
Stopping Distances Dependent upon: Motorist reaction time Weather and road conditions Vehicle Weight Brake Conditions Condition and type of tires Roadway conditions Speed Two-second rule *The faster a vehicle is going, the longer it will take to stop. When a motorist must stop quickly, speed can be the difference between life and death. Page 47
Following Distances To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least ½ second behind the vehicle in front of you.
Driver Signals At least 100 feet before turning Cancel the signal after the turn Stop or slowing down: hand and arm downward, palm facing to the rear Right turn: hand and arm upward Left turn: hand and arm straight out Page 49
Driving in Reverse In order to steer the car while moving backward, you should turn the steering wheel in the direction you want the rear of the car to go ROAD TEST- back the vehicle about 100 feet in a straight line, slowly and smoothly To back your car in a straight line you should turn your head and body to the right (looking over your right shoulder) until you can see clearly through the back window, and back up slowly Page 49
Turning Mirrors- behind and both sides Check for less visible vehicles Get into proper lane and signal at least 100 feet before turning* Slow down before reaching an intersection Steady speed and follow pavement markings Same lane until turn is finished Cancel turn after turn is finished Never back up if a turn is missed Page 50
3-Point Turn (K Turn) Page 51 Start from the right edge of the road. Choose a safe spot with good visibility in both directions Signal left and move forward slowly. Stop several inches from the left curb/street edge. Signal right and back slowly. Stop several inches from the right curb or street edge. Move the vehicle forward, signaling left, while turning the steering wheel to the left. Finally, straighten the vehicle’s wheels as it faces in the direction he/she wants to go. Required to make this turn during MVC’s road test!! Page 51
Parking Facing Downhill: Set hand brake Turn wheels toward curb Vehicle should be in park (manual- reverse) Facing Uphill: Set hand brake Turn wheels away from curb Vehicle should be in park (manual- reverse) Page 51
Parallel Parking Must be able to parallel park in order to pass Road Test! Markers are 25 ft apart Find a large enough parking space Signal for a stop and signal to the right to alert motorists that the vehicle will back up to the right. Pull up alongside (parallel) about two to four feet from the vehicle in front. Turn and check to see that the way is clear behind the vehicle before backing up. Turn body to look out the rear window. Back up slowly for about 2ft and turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. Page 53
Parallel Parking When the front of the vehicle has cleared the rear bumper of the vehicle in front, stop and check the angle. Make sure the right back wheel has not hit the curb. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left while beginning to back up slowly. Make sure the vehicle can clear its back bumper. When the vehicle is in line, stop. Be sure not to hit the vehicle in back. Turn the vehicle’s wheels straight, and drive to the center of the parking space. The vehicle’s tires should be no more than six inches from the curb. Page 53