Reviewing the Care and Treatment Review (CTR) Policy September 2016
Hello David Gill Anne Webster Thank you for the chance to meet with you about the Care and Treatment Review Policy David Gill Anne Webster Anne and david both introduce ourselves
What is our presentation about? Care and Treatment Reviews - the policy review Why are we reviewing the policy? What are some of the themes from the feedback so far? Your comments Next steps - what is happening and when? David- do you want to do this one?
Why are we asking people to think about the policy? It’s a year since the policy was written We have to check it is working well We are listening to people’s views and experiences about what works well and what doesn’t We will use the feedback to make the policy even stronger David- do you want to do this one?
Who are we asking and what are we doing? Speaking with groups of people eg. People who have had a review, family carer groups Organisations which support people with learning disabilities and/or autism and families Commissioners Other health and social care professionals and organisations Audits – eg. children & young people audit of CTRs Feedback from well over 200 people so far david
What does the feedback say so far? CTR report - needs to be clear who is doing what by when Providers – need to be clearer about the role of providers in the CTR process Policy - to be clearer that people with autism can benefit from a a CTR Commissioners – use contract meetings to discuss CTR actions and make sure they happen Time of CTR – when and how long – it’s about QUALITY Children and young people – need a separate section in the policy, and asking is 6 monthly inpatient CTR right? Preparation - making sure the information needed is ready for the review team, and the individual, staff and family are all prepared and have everything they need anne
What does the feedback say so far? Follow up – someone needs to make sure that actions are followed up and are making a difference. Concerns – where there are concerns what information is shared with the panel after the day and how are concerns acted upon? Admin – getting it right before and after the CTR Commissioners – use contract meetings to discuss CTR actions At risk of admission – change the name of the register eg. Community CTR register Information – a booklet of all you need to know and consent forms for people and families. A booklet of all you need to know for commissioners. anne
Next steps Closing date for feedback is 14 October Email forms to Or post to: Steve Mbara, NHS England, Room 4W23, Quarry House, Leeds LS2 7UE Look closely at what people have said Discuss with advisory group - people with learning disabilities, autism, family carers, commissioners, health, social care, children and young people professionals Update policy and materials Publish in January 2017 NHS England and NHS Choices websites anne
Any Questions or Comments? david