The Pianist Assessment Feedback Name_____________________ Grade:____________ WWW EBI You have discussed how reliable The Pianist’s provenance (background) is You have given an overall judgement on how useful The Pianist is to study the life in the Warsaw Ghetto You need to discuss whether The Pianist background makes it reliable or not You need to provide your overall judgement on whether The Pianist is useful or not. You have used your own knowledge to evaluate the accuracy of The Pianist You have discussed both sides in your answer - that The Pianist is and is not useful. You need to back up your opinion with evidence from the film or your own knowledge You need to discuss both sides to the argument You have argued confidently whether The Pianist is useful or not. You have included specific examples from your own knowledge in your answer Your argument needs to be more focused on the question – is it useful? You need to include more specific examples from our own knowledge You have used clear evidence from The Pianist in your answer. You have used a wide range of specific historical terms e.g. Ghetto and interpretation You need to provide evidence from what you in The Pianist itself You need to provide a wider range of historical key words and terms Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Bronze A number of SPaG errors. Your work is generally coherent but basic in development SIlver A few SpaG errors but good use of historical terms. Your work is generally worded into paragraphs. Gold Very few SPaG errors. Your work is well organized, contains key historical terms and is worded into clear paragraphs. Growth Mindset Bronze You have struggled to push yourself to achieve your potential in this assessment Silver You have shown your potential in this assessment but need to push a little further to achieve Gold You have worked hard to achieve and exceed your targets in this assessment- well done! Teacher Comment/Targets: Student Feedback Box Purple Pen Question