Accessible Information Standard Review


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Presentation transcript:

Accessible Information Standard Review Sarah White (Sense) ADASS PSI Network 17th February 2017

Overview The Accessible Information Standard aims to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get accessible information and communication support. From 1st August 2016 onwards, all organisations that provide NHS care and / or publicly-funded adult social care must follow the Standard in full. This includes providers from the public, private and voluntary sectors. Commissioners (including Clinical Commissioning Groups and local authorities) are also required to support compliance by providers.

Post-implementation review – overview A post-implementation review of the Standard is currently taking place. The review is looking at the impact of the Standard (in its broadest sense) and identifying any adjustments needed to ensure it is (and continues to be) ‘fit for purpose’. As part of the review, feedback is being sought from service providers, commissioners and service users, as well as other stakeholders. The deadline for feedback is 10th March 2017.

Post-implementation review - engagement The main way for people to share their views is via one of three surveys, aimed at different groups: Health and care professionals and organisations; Patients, service users, carers and parents; Support, supplier and representative organisations. All surveys are available online and in Word document format. The survey for patients / service users is also available in a range of alternative formats including audio, braille, British Sign Language, easy read and large print.

Post-implementation review - next steps The external / engagement element of the review runs until 10th March. Following the review, a report will be produced, including analysis of feedback and other findings / insight. It is likely that the Specification and Implementation Guidance will then be reissued – however, there will be no substantive changes to the scope.

Your views – question 1 What impact do you think the Accessible Information Standard has had? Has it had a positive, negative or neutral impact overall? For example, what has been the impact on your organisation, on (other) health and care organisations, and for service users with a disability, impairment or sensory loss?

Your views – question 2 What do you think are the key challenges faced by NHS and social care organisations in implementing and following the Standard?

Your views – question 3 Do you have any examples of positive impact or benefits associated with implementing and following the Standard?

Your views – question 4 What additional support, guidance or tools would be useful in supporting compliance with the Standard? For example, are there any particular aspects of the Standard which remain unclear?

Your views – question 5 Do you have any experience of compliance monitoring with regards to the Standard? Has your organisation been asked for evidence of compliance? Have you asked others about their compliance?

Further information and onwards contacts Please complete a survey and have your say before 10th March! Further information about the Standard and the review, including online surveys, is published online at General enquiries should be sent to or patients / members of the public can call 0300 311 22 33.

Thank you! Any questions?