Process for 2016-17 Field Testing with 500+ Teachers Gathering and analyzing feedback Conducting Focus Groups / Review Sessions Revising and Editing of Units Developing Online / Blended Professional Learning Resources
Process for 2016-17
Field Testing Process AND We recommend: a minimum of one day of Instructional Strategies Professional Learning AND A minimum of one day prior to each unit to unpack it and plan for instruction Feedback from field testers may include: Brief Online survey Photos, videos, Notes on Units Examples of Student work Survey of Enacted Curriculum
Revi s ion s
What Does it Cover?
What does it Look like?
What does it Look like?
All 21 Units on MVU Website Grade 3 Unit 4 Example: LrmtboLqPPbuVJp5TmtTDcNj5TerHJxY3UmFNFG qU/edit?usp=sharing
How you can Get Involved Still adding more field testing teachers / schools / districts Looking for Editors Contact Info: Darcy Mcmahon Matt Samocki (989) 615-4372 (989) 430-1886
Three Dimensional Performance Assessment Project Update
Where Have We Been? Planning team of Science Consultants, Assessment Consultants, MDE Science Assessment, and Graduate Assistants Pulled together an amazing team of Teacher Task Authors Developed PE Bundles to target particular practices (Modeling, Investigation, Argument, and Explanation) Developed performance task template
Where Have We Been? Conducted a five-day session in August Unpacked PE Bundles Developed Evidence Statements Developed 10 Performance Assessment tasks (Grades 3-12) Developed supporting formative assessments for each task Developed a Checkbric for each Performance Assessment Task
What Has Been Accomplished? A Task Template has been developed A process for developing Performance Tasks has been created Ten Three Dimensional Science Performance Assessment Tasks have been drafted Tasks are in a LiveBinder Teachers are piloting and revising
What is Coming Up? Task Authors: 30 hours of online learning Developing second performance tasks 2 days of face-to-face professional learning January 31ST in Shepherd, MI April 24TH in Allegan, MI Piloting tasks and revising
What is Coming Up? Planning Team: Guiding online and face-to-face professional learning Reviewing items Collecting feedback from item pilots Conducting Train-the-Trainers session December 15-16 and January 5-6 in Shepherd, MI Looking for more groups that want to learn the process Entering tasks into Illuminate and other online platform
How You Can Get Involved . . . Reviewing Tasks Train the Trainers Contact Info: Darcy Mcmahon Matt Samocki (989) 615-4372 (989) 430-1886