Focus: Students will identify types of first aid for a choking victim Focus: Students will identify types of first aid for a choking victim. Goal: To understand how to care safely for a choking victim. Standard: NHES #2 – Safe and healthy environment Warm-up: 1. What would you do if you saw a friend bleeding severely? 2. How would you care for someone whose bleeding will not stop? 3. Create your own critical thinking question.
Notes: *Recognizing the signs of choking: Ask the person if they can speak. If they can speak, stay with them until they recover. If they are coughing, and their skin color is okay, then oxygen is getting to their lungs. If the cough is a gasping cough and the person’s skin color is turning pale or blue, then he or she is probably choking. Universal sign of choking is raising the hands to the neck.
Universal Sign of Choking
*Choking person who is conscious: See if object is in mouth and sweep it out with your finger. If you cannot see anything or easily remove it, apply the Heimlich maneuver: Stand behind the person. Wrap your arms around his or her waist. Bend the victim slightly forward. Place your fist above the victims navel area. Place your other hand over your fist and press quick and hard in an upward direction on the victim’s abdomen. Keep doing these upward abdominal thrusts until the object is dislodged. Once the object is dislodged, you may need to provide CPR.
3. If the victim is unconscious – Lay them on their back and work from on top of them. Make 5 quick upward abdominal thrusts. 4. If YOU are choking – place your fist above your navel, grasp that fist and thrust upwards. 5. Hyperventilating – caused by breathing too deeply, too fast. Breathe slowly into a paper sack/bag.