Using GIS related technologies in fieldwork on Sacred Sites
Preparation Know where you are going and why (do research) Look at a map and Google Earth (Street view where possible) Make a questionnaire about what you want to record about a site Make sure your equipment works (Backup batteries? Storage space? Phone credit? Weather?)
Photographic Record Make sure location info is embedded in images If possible no people in the images (permissions) At least three images per site: Main Hall outside Main Hall inside (main altar) Name plaque / Explanation / Map + 360 deg video of the main yard
Questionnaire Where? → coordinates (decimal), short prose description of location What? → name(s) of the place, notes When? → founding date(s)
GPS (global positioning system) Developed by the US Department of Defense, fully operational 1995 There are other networks (e.g. Galileo, GLONASS, Beidou) Min. 4 satellites have to be in view to work, standing in open field one should be able to view 8+ at any one time (6 if you stand on the poles) GPS system currently uses 31 satellites, broadcasting at the same frequencies A-GPS (A = Assisted) uses mobile network, slightly less accurate, but faster
Screenshot of Android App “GPS Status” which works with A-GPS. If you need detailed GPS info you can just share this with yourself.