Write a definition for the word Jihad War? Holy War? Struggle Fight agaisnt evil?
Write a definition for the word Jihad ‘a personal struggle against evil in the way of Allah’ War? Holy War? Struggle Fight agaisnt evil?
Jihad does not mean attacking those who are not Muslim or Holy War
‘a personal struggle against evil in the way of Allah’ Write down one thing that could be Jihad for Muslim
Lesser Jihad and Greater Jihad Greater Jihad is the daily struggle against evil in a Muslim’s life; to live modestly, to help others, to avoid talking ill of someone, to maintain the prayer. This is an inward, spiritual battle. Lesser Jihad can be seen as a wider struggle against evil and may include fighting to protect Islam and Muslims. Such a fight would be a Holy War; a Harb al-Muqadis
Watch this clip and make notes on how the Muslim soldiers acted Battle of Badr When discussing Lesser Jihad, we must be aware of certain conditions for fighting. Otherwise fighting is not Jihad, and is not just. The backing of the Muslim community must be given Innocent woman and children must not be put at risk Peaceful avenues must have been tried The purpose of the war must not be to force people to convert to Islam The war must not involve destroying buildings, places of worship The war must be defensive The war must be started by a religious, not political leader Trees, crops and animals must be protected Watch this clip and make notes on how the Muslim soldiers acted
The Sword Verse Read the Sword Verse section on your hand out. This shows how books like the Qur’an, the Bible the Torah can be used out of context to promote violence
Just War Theory A Just War is one which has to be fought but is conducted according to certain conditions. These were developed by Thomas Aquinas (c1225-74) and Francisco de Vitoria (c1483-1546) and are still referred to by Christians today. The theory is not intended to justify all wars but to prevent them by showing that going to war - except in certain limited circumstances - is wrong. The intention was to motivate states to find other ways of resolving conflicts, prevent war and to limit its effects. The conditions of a Just War are: it must be fought by a legal recognised authority, eg, a government the cause of the war must be just the war must be fought with the intention to establish good or correct evil there must be a reasonable chance of success the war must be the last resort (after all diplomatic negotiations have been tried and failed) only sufficient force must be used and civilians must not be involved
Compare and Contrast The conditions for lesser Jihad: The backing of the Muslim community must be given Innocent woman and children must not be put at risk Peaceful avenues must have been tried The purpose of the war must not be to force people to convert to Islam The war must not involve destroying buildings, places of worship The war must be defensive The war must be started by a religious, not political leader Trees, crops and animals must be protected The conditions of a Just War are: it must be fought by a legal recognised authority, eg, a government the cause of the war must be just the war must be fought with the intention to establish good or correct evil there must be a reasonable chance of success the war must be the last resort (after all diplomatic negotiations have been tried and failed) only sufficient force must be used and civilians must not be involved
Stop the War Coalition is an anti-war, peace promoting group Stop the War Coalition is an anti-war, peace promoting group. They organised a million people to March in 2003 against the war in Iraq and recently against the UK’s bombing of Syria. They also campaign against the UK supplying Saudi Arabia with weapons of war. Jeremy Corbyn – Leader of the Labour Party and former StWC Chair
Break 1 You have 4 minutes to draw the following: Draw a room Add some stairs Now add some flowers Now add a horse. Think about what the horse is like too.
Write a definition for the word Jihad ‘a personal struggle against evil in the way of Allah’ War? Holy War? Struggle Fight agaisnt evil?
Jihad does not mean attacking those who are not Muslim or Holy War
‘a p______ s_______ against evil in the way of ____’ Write down one thing that could be Jihad for Muslim
Lesser Jihad and Greater Jihad Greater Jihad is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lesser Jihad _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________; a Harb al-Muqadis
Watch this clip and make notes on how the Muslim soldiers acted Battle of Badr When discussing Lesser Jihad, we must be aware of certain conditions for fighting. Otherwise fighting is not Jihad, and is not just. The backing of the M______ C_________ must be given (what else can this be called?) Innocent _______ and __________ must not be put at risk ___________ avenues must have been tried The purpose of the war must not be to force people to _________ __ Islam The war must not involve destroying ___________, ____________ The war must be _____________ The war must be started by a ____________, not political leader Trees, ______ and _________ must be protected Watch this clip and make notes on how the Muslim soldiers acted
Just War Theory A Just War is one which has to be fought but is conducted according to certain conditions. These were developed by ___________ (c1225-74) and Francisco de Vitoria (c1483-1546) and are still referred to by Christians today. The theory is not intended to justify all wars but to prevent them by showing that going to war - except in certain limited circumstances - is wrong. The intention was to motivate states to find other ways of resolving conflicts, prevent war and to limit its effects. The conditions of a Just War are: it must be fought by a legal recognised authority, eg, a government the cause of the war must be just the war must be fought with the intention to establish good or correct evil there must be a reasonable chance of success the war must be the last resort (after all diplomatic negotiations have been tried and failed) only sufficient force must be used and civilians must not be involved
Compare and Contrast The conditions for lesser Jihad: The backing of the Muslim community must be given Innocent woman and children must not be put at risk Peaceful avenues must have been tried The purpose of the war must not be to force people to convert to Islam The war must not involve destroying buildings, places of worship The war must be defensive The war must be started by a religious, not political leader Trees, crops and animals must be protected The conditions of a Just War are: it must be fought by a legal recognised authority, eg, a government the cause of the war must be just the war must be fought with the intention to establish good or correct evil there must be a reasonable chance of success the war must be the last resort (after all diplomatic negotiations have been tried and failed) only sufficient force must be used and civilians must not be involved
Stop the War Coalition is an anti-war, peace promoting group Stop the War Coalition is an anti-war, peace promoting group. They organised a million people to March in 2003 against the war in Iraq and recently against the UK’s bombing of Syria. They also campaign against the UK supplying Saudi Arabia with weapons of war. Jeremy Corbyn – Leader of the Labour Party and former StWC Chair
Break 2
Move around the room answering the questions on the walls Add paragraphs, sentences and key words, correct others work and add to it Once you have been around all of them go back to you seat
‘War can never be justified’ Work in pairs to plan this essay. Once you are ready, begin writing it. Two people will read their essays to the class for peer feedback.