These 12 words can help you “BEAT” the MCT2! 12 POWERFUL WORDS These 12 words can help you “BEAT” the MCT2!
12 Power Words Support Explain Summarize Compare Contrast Predict Trace Analyze Infer Evaluate Formulate Describe
Means to outline your steps. Trace Means to outline your steps.
ANALYZE Break Apart Study pieces
INFER Read between the lines Make an educated guess
EVALUATE Judge Tell the importance in your own words Tell the good and the bad
FORMULATE Create Put together Come up with a plan
DESCRIBE Tell all about Who, what, when, where, why, how
SUPPORT Give the facts Back up with details Tell why Give reasons
SUMMARIZE Sum it up Give me the short version Retell KEY points Give me a commercial
COMPARE Alike Tell ALL the ways they are alike or the same
CONTRAST Different Tell all the ways they are DIFFERENT
PREDICT What will happen NEXT or in the fUTURE Tell what you think might happen. Educated guess