Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is the 10th largest school system in the nation…
More than 189,000 students…
More than 52,000 (28 percent of total population) of those students are eligible for free and reduced-price meals…
More than 28,000 (17 percent of total population) receive English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) services…
More than 25,000 (13 percent of total population) receive special education services
FCPS has the largest school bus fleets in the nation…
With 1,600 buses that transport 130,000 students daily
FCPS is the 3rd largest employer in the Commonwealth of Virginia…
With more than 27,600 full-time and part-time positions
93 percent of FCPS high school seniors graduate on-time…
More than 93 percent plan to pursue post-secondary education
Fairfax County high schools are recognized annually by the Washington Post as being among the most challenging high schools in the U.S.
223 FCPS students from 17 high schools have been named semifinalists in the 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program…
The highest number of students in any school system in Virginia
A 2016 George Mason University report concludes that FCPS has a local economic impact of $2.2 billion…
Making it the second largest source of local economic activity behind the federal government
FCCPTA supports ensuring Fairfax County is global-competitive with a highly-skilled workforce
Fairfax County has one the largest concentrations of tech companies in the nation…
Called the Northern Virginia Technology Corridor
Fairfax County has the largest library system in Virginia in terms of population served…
Over one million people between Fairfax County and the City of Fairfax
FCPS cafeterias serve over 142,000 fresh meals daily
According to the FY 2019 Fairfax County and FCPSFiscal Forecast, FCPS is facing a $42.94 million funding shortfall…
While the County is facing a $55.91 million funding shortfall
The Fairfax County School Board and Board of Supervisors recently adopted the One Fairfax Resolution…
It directs the development of a racial and social equity policy…
To ensure all individuals in the County have an opportunity to reach their highest level of personal achievement
Prior to FY2017, FCPS cut nearly $500 million and 2,200 positions…
Board of Supervisors provides largest school funding increase in FY2017…
By $104 million
FCPS has annual budget of $2.8 billion…
72. 2 percent comes from the County and 22 72.2 percent comes from the County and 22.8 comes from the Commonwealth…
More than 85 percent of the FCPS budget goes toward classroom instruction
64.6 percent of Fairfax County revenue comes from real estate property taxes
52.8 percent of the Fairfax County budget goes towards FCPS
The Fairfax County School Board does not have to authority to raise revenue…
That authority rests with the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
The top 3 cost drivers for the FCPS budget are student enrollment, retirement, and health care
FCPS teacher salaries are below market average…
FCPS teacher turnover has increased over the years…
Almost 60 percent of adults in Fairfax County have a bachelor’s degree or higher…
Among the highest percentages in the nation
For every $1.00 Fairfax County sends to Richmond…
Only 23 cents comes back to the County General Fund
FCCPTA is the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in Fairfax County