Career Research Project Jane Doe 5 December 2016 English 8H, Period 4 Mr. Whitehurst
My Career Choice When I grow up, I want to be a high school music teacher. A music teacher is someone who teaches kids how to play an instrument or gives singing and voice lessons. I would be perfect for this position because I am a leader, really like kids, and play the oboe. I believe music can have a positive impact on a person’s life; music is my passion, and I want to share that with students so they, too, can come to enjoy music and the arts as I do.
My Career Responsibilities I will be performing all the same responsibilities as a regular teacher, except I’ll be teaching music and maybe choir. I found that some music teachers have to teach choir if a school’s music or choir programs are too small for a full time music/choir teacher. I would be responsible for assignments, grades, tutorials, and concerts.
Career Salary Average beginning salary: $49,123 Monthly salary: $4,093 -20% taxes: $818 Take home pay: $3,274 I was surprised at how little pay a music teacher receives in their beginning years. However, it helped me realize that I can’t purchase unnecessary junk because I won’t be able to afford it. In addition, I’ll make more money as I work more years and get more education.
Education Education needed: 4 years of college Bachelor’s degree in music related field State teacher certification 1 semester of student teaching Overall, it would take about five years of college. I I am hoping to earn a Master’s Degree so it is easier to find a job and because my pay will increase.
Housing I want to stay local near Downtown Redlands so I don’t have to move when I transition from college to my career. Sunset View Apartment Homes Red Oak Villas 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom 910 square feet 860 square feet Deposit: $600; Application fee: $30 Deposit: $500; Application fee: $20 Monthly rent: $1,440 Monthly rent: $1,450 Yearly rent: $17,280 Yearly rent: $17,400 I intend to divide the costs with a room mate, because the layout of each apartment gives each of us our own separate bedrooms and bathrooms.
Utilities Gas: $15 Electricity: $75 Cable/Internet: $60 Cellphone: $70 Average monthly utilities: $230 Average yearly utilities: $2,760
Groceries Average monthly groceries: $450 Average yearly groceries: $5,400 I didn’t like grocery shopping that much because it was very time consuming. I had trouble estimating how much I will eat daily because some breakfast items cost more than others, and I had to incorporate eating out.
Dinner For dinner, I cooked chili and cornbread. I’ve watched my dad make this plenty of times, so I had the basics of what to do. It was simple because it’s a crockpot recipe and it cooks all day long without me having to monitor it. I did NOT like cleaning up because I made a mess in the kitchen. It took me a while to clean up. It was a big hit; everyone in my family enjoyed it, and I felt like I accomplished something special.
Vehicle Type of car: 2017 Honda Accord Color: Black Interest rate: 1% Down payment: $5,000 Average cost: $24,536 Average monthly payment: $408 Average yearly payment: $4896 I really enjoyed this part because I could customize my car. Even though I kept the outside basic, I bought many luxurious features on the interior.
Insurance For car insurance, I used Geico and Wawanesa. Geico: $1,787 per year, $154 per month Wawanesa: $1,429 per year, $119 per month My Deductible was $500 for both companies. Average monthly cost: $136 Average yearly cost: $1,608 This section frustrated me because I did not know how much private information to give the companies. If I didn’t give enough, they wouldn’t give me a quote. If I gave too much, the insurance company could access my personal information.
Monthly and Yearly Expenses Chart Income $3,274 $39,288 Housing $1,445 x ½=$722.50 $8,670 Utilities $230 $2,640 Groceries/Food $450 $5,400 Car Payment $408 $4,896 Insurance $136 $1,632 Entertainment $200 $2,400 Total: $2,146.50 Leftover: $1, 127 Total: $25,638 Leftover: $13,524 Even though I will start out with a minimum salary, my pay will increase every year I work. I will also make additional money as I acquire further education and when I perform in concerts and symphonies.