Figure 2. RT-PCR analyses of TLT-6 expression Figure 2. RT-PCR analyses of TLT-6 expression. (A) Organ specific expression of TLT-6 and (B) hematopoietic lineage cells specific expression of TLT-6 purified in the bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood, as described in the methods section. cDNA concentration was standardized and quantified using β-actin. (C) TLT-6 expression in HSCs (K+S+L-) and progenitor cells (K+S+L-, K-S+L-, and K-S-L-) isolated from the mouse bone marrow using RT-PCR. For RT-PCR, cDNA concentration was normalized with β-actin. PBL, leukocytes isolated from peripheral blood. Figure 2. RT-PCR analyses of TLT-6 expression. (A) Organ specific expression of TLT-6 and (B) hematopoietic lineage cells specific expression of TLT-6 purified in the bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood, as described in the methods section. cDNA concentration was standardized and quantified using β-actin. (C) TLT-6 expression in HSCs (K+S+L-) and progenitor cells. . . Immune Netw. 2015 Oct;15(5):232-240.