STATUS OF WOUND CARE UNITS IN SPAIN Dr J. Verdú Soriano Dr J. Soldevilla Ágreda PhD Candidate H. González de la Torre
Disclosure (Potential) conflict of interest None/see below Potentially relevant company relations in connection with event Company names Sponsorship or research funding Fee or other (financial) payment Shareholder Other relationship, i.e. None Potential conflicting interests
STATUS OF WOUND CARE UNITS IN SPAIN Aim: To develop a census of Wound Units/clinics located in Spanish territory and to study its organizational structure and functioning 1st phase of a PhD Thesis: Develop a questionnaire. (Presented at EWMA 2015) 2nd phase of a PhD Thesis: Study on Wound Care Units located in Spain. Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical, observational study. Population under study: Specialized units for chronic wound care / Wound clinics located in Spanish territory.
Exponential and discriminant snowball sampling Convenience sample Non probabilistic sampling method based in 3 Stages. Recruitment: telephone contact and/or e-mail and/or telephone research with the facility where the unit is located. Recruitment Period: chronologically divided in three periods derived from the sampling steps. 75 likely units were detected 31 units were excluded 44 units were recruited 2 units retired Exponential and discriminant snowball sampling Convenience sample: Companies
Census of wound care units in Spain The Period where more units were created was between 2011-2015. 35.7% were located in hospitals and 40.5% in Health structures that covered a whole population over an area (integrated health organization).
Summary Descriptive analysis Target population: 95.2% "People with wounds and health professionals” The most frequent area of influence was Regional (42.9%) The most frequently treated lesions: Diabetic foot (90.5%), Venous Ulcers (85.7%), Arterial Ulcer (85.7%) and Pressure Ulcer (81.0%) Therapies commonly used: MWH (100%), Compression Therapy (80.5%), offloading (75.6%) and NPWT (73.2%) Debridement systems: Enzymatic, Sharp and Autolytic debridement. Leaders of the units are mostly Nurses (78.6%). 38.1% of those leaders had national accreditation Average number of members: 2.81 ± 2.78. Only 14.3% have professionals with 3 or more different qualifications in their staff, with 59.5% being uni-disciplinary teams 52.4% of the units have Consultant and Support Teams.
Special interest in knowing barriers of implementation Beginning Barriers Current Barriers Financial Barriers Logistic Barriers Other Barriers Barriers by Suspicion-opposition Legal Barriers
It was determined if there was an association between Existence of Barriers by Suspicion-opposition in the beginning and other variables… Chi-Square Test shown a significative statistical difference with “Type of Team (uni or multi)” (p=0.049) McNemar Test shown a statistical significance with “Nursing profession as responsible” (p = 0.007).
Conclusions The Number of wound units in our country is low, with a high heterogeneity and mainly based in small units. Great disparity with regards to its geographical distribution The model of wound clinic is a dynamic phenomenon (no laws), which leads to the disappearance and appearance of clinics relatively quickly There are Organizational systems with upward trend in Spain Barriers by Suspicion-opposition are highly frequent and prevent the implantation of that model
Next steps… PhD dissertation next 19th May. Census and Outcomes publication in an impact Journal Adapt the questionnaire to other Spanish-speaking countries. Trying to do a census in Latin-America To analyse in regards to Barriers by Suspicion-opposition (Qualitative Approach) We would like to contact people from European countries who want to carry out similar research THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!