Region’s EUROSAI Strategic Planning Experience IDI-INTOSAI Regions workshop Oslo 4-6 September 2017
Basic information Question Region’s status/response When last has your Region carried out a strategic planning exercise? Within the process of the development of the present EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2017 – 2023 To what extent have you used the INTOSAI Framework for Regional Professionalism and IDI Guidance on Strategic Management in INTOSAI Regions to guide your strategic planning and to create maximum value for your member SAIs? The Framework was adopted in October 2016, after the development of the first draft of EUROSAI Strategic Plan
Region’s Strategic Goals and Objectives (1) EUROSAI’s goal 1. Supporting effective, innovative and relevant audits by promoting and brokering professional co-operation Objectives: To promote audit-related co-operation by acting as a broker between members To support the development of innovative audit approaches and methods making use of new technologies To facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience within EUROSAI and with external stakeholders and partners
Region’s Strategic Goals and Objectives (2) EUROSAI’s goal 2. Helping SAIs deal with new opportunities and challenges by supporting and facilitating their institutional capacity development Objectives: To facilitate and support needs-driven institutional capacity development initiatives To promote and encourage institutional development through self-assessments, peer reviews and other evaluations To promote and facilitate the implementation of INTOSAI’s Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP) and contribute to its future development To follow and contribute to the development of INTOSAI initiatives and products for the professionalization of auditors To voice EUROSAI members’ common institutional interests within the wider INTOSAI community
Key mechanisms/initiatives to achieve region’s priorities & objectives Strengthening EUROSAI governance, organisational structure and corporate management through: Establishment of an effective, efficient and flexible organizational structure able to support the strategy Review and where necessary revision of the Governance and Modus Operandi of the organisation, clarifying roles and responsibilities to maximize resources and avoid duplication and gaps Promotion of increased member participation and extension of the value of EUROSAI’s activities among its members and other stakeholders through enhanced communications Identification, representation and advocacy of its members’ views and interests on subjects under development in INTOSAI Encouraging members to develop and share new and agile forms of cooperation Enhancement of its cooperation with other Regional Organisations of INTOSAI fostering different forms of knowledge sharing and cooperation
What capacity have you created, or do you plan to create to achieve region’s objectives? Key EUROSAI governance enhancements: Governing Board portfolios: each Governing Board member is responsible for one or more portfolios relating to the governance of EUROSAI and/or the implementation of the Strategic Plan Co-leaders of Strategic Goals: co-ordination of the implementation of each of the two strategic goals will be shared by a GB-member and a non-GB member Coordination Team: a small team within the Governing Board will co-ordinate and monitor on a regular basis the execution of the EUROSAI Operational Plan Agile project groups: short-term cooperation initiatives led by members of EUROSAI may be set up on a project basis in line with two strategic goals and the envisaged enhancement of EUROSAI governance
Conclusion Question Region’s advice & suggestions Is there any advice that you wish to ask of the other Regions and role players at the workshop (in terms of some of the challenges that you may be experiencing in carrying out strategic planning)? How to encourage members to the increased participation in EUROSAI’s activities? How to increase timely responsiveness to arising challenges and opportunities? Best practices in increasing effectiveness of organisation’s activities Do you have any suggestions for enhancements to the INTOSAI Framework of Regional Professionalism and/or the IDI Guidance on Strategic Management in INTOSAI Regions? no