Terms of Reference for the Acute Frailty Network Programme Board Membership: Deborah Thompson – Programme Director Caroline Dove – Chief Executive Officer NHS Elect Dawne Garrett – Royal College of Nursing Dr Simon Conroy – Clinical Lead AFN Dr Jack Hawkins – Clinical lead AFN Dr Mark Holland – The Society for Acute Medicine Dr Jay Banerjee – College of Emergency Medicine Prof David Oliver – British Geriatrics Society Elizabeth Sargeant OBE – Emergency Care Intensive Support Team Mike Davidge – Director NHS Elect Paul Chandler – Monitor Dr Ian Sturgess – Royal College of Physicians Russell Emeny - Emergency Care Intensive Support Team Helen Lyndon – NHS England Ruthe Isden – Age UK Kieran Houser – NHS England Julia Ross - ADASS
Deputies – Optional attendance: If attendance is not possible in person there is the option for conference call and in the event of sickness, annual leave etc it is requested that a deputy attend. Quorum: For decision making the following would be deemed quorate attendance: 8 programme board members. Reporting arrangements: A quarterly highlight report will be emailed with all meeting papers to members no less than seven days before the meeting. Purpose: The programme board meeting has the responsibility to oversee the effective delivery and achievement of the Acute Frailty project charter objectives. Members are required to provide resource and specific commitment to support the programme director to deliver the objectives as set out in the Acute Frailty Project Charter.
Roles & Objectives: To undertake this responsibility effectively the programme board will; Oversee the effective design and delivery of a network based model to support the widespread adoption and improvement of acute frailty services in ten sites across England (AFS) Agree reporting arrangements to ensure the programme is achieving all objectives outlined in the project charter. Support the programme team to effectively share outcomes and outputs of the programme to drive further adoption and spread across NHS England Report back to their host organisations on programme progress Provide connections with the wider with the wider health and social care economy, including third sector Support the programme team to work in partnership with National experts to ensure a rigorous and comprehensive approach to measurement
Process objectives: Develop an Acute Frailty Network Work with Monitor and NHS England to develop a sustainable model Evaluate impact of changes made (qualitative and quantitative) Estimate likely impact of local, regional, national spread and adoption of effective Acute Frailty services Frequency of meetings: To be held quarterly alternating between face to face meetings and conference calls.