NatSIP North update 10th July 2014 Lindsey Rousseau
The purpose of NatSIP, since 2009, has been: to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment through promoting collaborative working between education, health and social care professionals to help fulfil the potential of children and young people who have sensory impairment to promote a national model for the benchmarking of clear progress and impact criteria for children and young people who have sensory impairment, with the aim of closing the gap with their peers
Purpose of NatSIP contd: 4. to support a well trained sensory impairment workforce responsive to the Government agenda for education 5. to inform and advise the DfE and other national agencies on the education of children and young people with sensory impairment
Objectives and workstreams in the NatSIP contract: Improve Outcomes benchmarking and quality of management information on CYP with SI New: 83 LAs in 2013 – 2014 data collection exercise Vision Impairment – specific independence outcomes CRIDE/NatSIP integration feasibility study to progress to a pilot Tracking post 16 progress Phase 1 in action
Workstream Objectives contd: 2. Supporting Implementation of the SEND Reforms (EHC Plans, Local Offer, Personal Budgets, Joint Commissioning, Schools Information Offer) New: more example EHC Plans NatSIP guidance on implementation of SEND reforms for EHC Plans, Local Offer, Joint Commissioning and Schools Information Report.
Workstream Objectives contd: 3. Funding reforms for schools, settings and colleges. Including use of auxiliary aids. 4. Advising on teaching and learning strategies to support the curriculum reforms
Workstream Objectives contd: 5. Creating an Online Resource Portal for Sensory Impairment New: 18,461 downloads in 12 mths to 31st May 2014 –email digest to help navigate new postings Surveys on use of NatSIP documents Members of a virtual workstream sought – email
Workstream Objectives contd: 6. Development of specialist skills – Workforce Development New: Mandatory Qualification – revised specification for September 2014 Quality Improvement support pack for SI services 2 day VI course for TAs in London 7 &14 July Service development – David Couch VI course for HoSS (with HI qualification) 23 & 24 September, Friends House, London Mental Capacity Act training – 11 November York
Workstream Objectives contd: 6. Development of specialist skills – Workforce Development 6a) specialist skills for BSL and sign support New: draft report from Audit – more case studies required please 6b) resources to support braille literacy in blind children New: Very popular UEB courses/ on-line course development
Objectives contd: 6c) MSI/Deafblind Interveners for children and young people 7. Post 16 Transition Pathways for CYP with SI New: regional workshops Thank you and goodbye to Ralph Hartley (co lead with Jude Thompson) and welcome to Freya Riddel
NatSIP activities alongside the DfE contract HoSS Associated work (HI, MSI and VI) Conferences addressing SI in the current and changing context Consultations NatSIP Reference Group Affiliated organisations Sustainability for the future
Lindsey Rousseau, Facilitator for NatSIP Lindsey Rousseau, Facilitator for NatSIP